Sun.Star Cebu



Antonio Chiu, new president of CCCI, says killings have reached the point where it is not just suspected drug personalit­ies who are being targeted by gunmen.

Although the business environmen­t in Cebu continues to grow with investors still interested in doing business here, Chiu fears that the attacks may change that.

Archbishop Palma, for his part, mulls issuing an Oratio Imperata, or a special prayer, against the killings, saying that some people seem to have lost their respect for human life.

Saying it could affect business, the new president of the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) expressed concern on the recent spate of killings in Cebu.

“We are very much concerned, as you are. I mean, this issue affects all of us,” said CCCI President Antonio Chiu.

Chiu, who assumed the CCCI leadership this month, said that even though the business climate in Cebu continues to show no decline, he is worried that the series of killings could change that.

Chiu said his worry stems from the fact that the killings have reached a point where it is not just drug personalit­ies who are being targeted.

“What is worrying is that it has veered away from the illegal drugs issue,” he said.

Last month, 19 people were killed from Feb. 16 to 26, based on recent statistics provided by police.

Of the 19, 12 were killed by unidentifi­ed assailants, including lawyer and Ronda Vice Mayor Jonnah John Ungab.

At least 10 people, including a town councilor in San Fernando, have been murdered by unidentifi­ed motorcycle-riding men around Metro Cebu within the last 11 days.

Last night, former Talisay City councilor Emil Go was shot dead outside his house in Barangay Bulacao. (Story, A3)

Chiu, however, said that he still trusts the local government units and law enforcemen­t agencies to do their jobs in maintainin­g peace in Cebu.

He said he had a talk recently with Gov. Hilario Davide III, who assured him that peace and security remain a priority.

As of now, Chiu said that the business climate in Cebu remains upbeat, with investors still interested in doing business here. It is still expected to improve, Chiu said, with the opening of the new Mactan Cebu Internatio­nal Airport (MCIA) Terminal 2 in July.

Special prayer Meanwhile, Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma expressed worrry that society is beginning to lose its respect for human life, given the increasing number of people being killed.

Palma said he is contemplat­ing on coming up with an Oratio Imperata or special prayer against the spate of killings in Cebu.

He plans to raise the matter before the Cebu Archdioces­e’s Board of Consultors. /

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