Sun.Star Cebu

The classics: Ballet and piano


In celebratio­n of National Arts Month—and as a pre-Valentine treat—the Arts Council of Cebu, Rudolf Pianos and Spring Rain will present a most anticipate­d concert. “Romantic Impression­s” will feature Italian concert pianist Massimo Folliero tonight, Feb. 8, 7 p.m. at the Marcelo B. Fernan Cebu Press Center in Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City.

The internatio­nal Maestro, who is on an Asian tour with Cebu as the final leg, has performed in several important venues, including most of Europe, Australia and New Zea- land, and last but not least, at New York City’s Carnegie Hall.

Program will feature works of Debussy, Gershwin, Rachmanino­ff, Chopin etc. A donation of P500 is suggested, but any amount will be appreciate­d. Students will enjoy a 50 percent discount.

For reservatio­ns, please call 63 (0932) 676-1443 or 233-0452.

In keeping with the holiday spirit, Balletcent­er, Ayala Center Cebu and Marco Polo Plaza Cebu presented “Holiday Classics” at Ayala’s Cinema One, to a packed audience, recently.

The very familiar joyful tunes arranged in ballet mode, took the balletoman­es by storm!

We particular­ly loved the “Winter Wonderland” waltz performed by Cecille Nolasco and Gregory Aaron... Ole! And hummed along with our bestloved carols!

We were likewise in awe at the spectacula­r, snow-capped trees as backdrop. Congratula­tions once more to Balletcent­er’s artistic directors Gregory Aaron and Nicolas Pacaña, and manager Josh Romayla!

 ??  ?? CAST. The entire cast of “Holiday Classics” pose for a souvenir shot after the performanc­e.
CAST. The entire cast of “Holiday Classics” pose for a souvenir shot after the performanc­e.
 ??  ?? GROUP. Gregory Aaron, Baby Declaro, Monica Villarica, Marget Villarica, Nicolas Pacaña and Rene Villarica.
GROUP. Gregory Aaron, Baby Declaro, Monica Villarica, Marget Villarica, Nicolas Pacaña and Rene Villarica.
 ??  ?? GREGORY AARON, Girlie Royeca, Solita Saldaña and Nicolas Pacaña.
GREGORY AARON, Girlie Royeca, Solita Saldaña and Nicolas Pacaña.
 ??  ?? GREGORY AARON, Marites Lampert and Nicolas Pacaña.
GREGORY AARON, Marites Lampert and Nicolas Pacaña.
 ??  ?? MAESTRO. Italian concert pianist Massimo Folliero will perform at the Marcelo B. Fernan Cebu Press Center tonight at 7 p.m.
MAESTRO. Italian concert pianist Massimo Folliero will perform at the Marcelo B. Fernan Cebu Press Center tonight at 7 p.m.
 ??  ??

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