Sun.Star Cebu

Chinese general dismisses concerns


BEIJING — A top Chinese general said yesterday that China's newly created islands in the disputed South China Sea are intended mainly to aid shipping and dismissed concerns that Beijing is seeking to strengthen its control over the strategica­lly vital region.

General Fan Changlong's remarks came as expectatio­ns grow that the U.S. might directly challenge Chinese claims in the South China Sea by sailing a Navy ship inside the 12-nautical mile (21-kilometer) territoria­l limit surroundin­g one of the man-made islands.

Concerns have been growing over the rapid appearance of islands created by piling sand atop reefs and atolls controlled by China, which is now adding, harbors, air strips and large buildings. The U.S. and others have called on Beijing to halt those projects, say- ing they are destabiliz­ing an increasing­ly militarize­d region.

Fan said concerns that the island constructi­on could affect freedom of navigation were unfounded.

"In fact, those constructi­on projects are mainly carried out for civil purposes," Fan told the Xiangshan Forum in Beijing. "As we have promised, the projects will not affect freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Instead, they will enable us to provide better public services to aid navigation and production in the South China Sea."


China's assurances have failed to gain much traction abroad, and speaking shortly after Fan, Admiral Gary Roughead, the former U.S. Chief of Naval Operations, said the rapid expansion of the islands and a lack of clarity from Beijing "heightens suspicions and presents the potential for miscalcula­tions."

While Beijing's assurances are welcomed, confidence measures and increased transparen­cy are needed to assuage China's neighbors of its peaceful intent, Roughead said.

Fan cited the recent launch of operations by two new lighthouse­s on Chinese island holdings as evidence of good intentions and said Beijing was committed to resolving disputes peacefully.

"We will never recklessly resort to the use of force, even on issues bearing upon sovereignt­y, and have done our utmost to avoid unexpected conflicts, said the general, a vice chairman of the powerful commission controllin­g the military that is headed by President Xi Jinping.

Expectatio­ns grow that the U.S. might directly challenge Chinese claims

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