Sun.Star Cebu


UK reports 3 incidents of chemical weapons attacks by Assad forces


Syrian Government asks U.N. chief to investigat­e an alleged chemical weapons attack by rebels on March 19 on Khan al-Assal village in Aleppo, but insists that a probe be limited to that incident only But Ban insists on broader investigat­ion, including a December incident in Homs raised by Britain and France

UNITED NATIONS — Britain said it has sent a letter to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon with new informatio­n on three further incidents of alleged chemical weapons use by the Syrian Government.

Britain’s United Nations Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant said on Wendesday his government has continued to provide new informatio­n to the secretary general and the head of the UN team Ban appointed to investigat­e alleged chemical weapons attacks in Syria.

The Syrian Government asked Ban to investigat­e an alleged chemical weapons attack by rebels on March 19 on Khan alAssal village in Aleppo, but insists that a probe be limited to that incident.

Syrian soldiers were reportedly killed and injured in the incident, which the rebels blame on Syrian forces.

Ban is insisting on a broader investigat­ion, including a December incident in Homs raised by Britain and France.

He appointed Swedish chemical weapons expert Ake Sellstrom to lead a UN investigat­ion. Syria has refused to allow his team into the country.

“We continue to inform the secretaryg­eneral and Sellstrom of any informatio­n as and when we get it,” Lyall Grant told several reporters.

The United Kingdom foreign office said the letter was meant to draw Ban’s attention to three further allegation­s of chemical weapons use and ask that those be included in the UN investigat­ion. Those allegation­s relate to incidents which reportedly took place in March and April of this year and which have been reported in the media, the Foreign Office added.

“The United Kingdom is extremely concerned about the ongoing allegation­s of chemical weapons use in Syria,” it said.

A senior UN diplomat said last week that Ban has received new informatio­n about alleged chemical weapons incidents since the beginning of April.

The diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivit­y of the issue, refused to give any details.

The confirmed use of chemical weapons could escalate the internatio­nal response to the more than two-yearold conflic, which has killed more than 70,000 people, according to the United Nations.

“Our view is that all the attacks are by the government,” Lyall Grant said. “We have no informatio­n that the opposition has access, let alone used chemical weapons.”

Last week, UN Mideast envoy Robert Serry told the Security Council that there were mounting reports of chemical weapons use as violence escalates in Syria.

He gave no details but said the secretary-general remains “gravely concerned” about the allegation­s of chemical weapons use.

In response to the reports, Serry again urged the Syrian government to allow chemical weapons experts into the country immediatel­y to investigat­e the allegation­s. While the UN team can question people outside Syria and analyze material they obtain, Ban has stressed repeatedly that on-site investigat­ions are essential if the UN is to determine whether chemical weapons have been used.

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