Sun.Star Cebu

Is Jun Pe pissing on term limit?


SOMETIME ago, when Cebu City Councilor Jun Pe said he'd breach the term limit on elective officials by moving to the south district and running for a council seat there, people thought (a) he was kidding Cebuanos and (b) freaking kidding Cebuanos.

In the TV comedy sitcom "The Big Bang Theory," that would be cause for Sheldon to cry "Bazinga!" equivalent of Gotcha! or Zing!

But Councilor Pe didn't say "ha, ha, you believed me, I was kidding." He went right on to file last Friday his certificat­e of candidacy (COC). Earlier, he transferre­d as a voter to the south district, which should've been a clue he was dead serious.

Mayor Michael Rama says he'll petition Comelec to disqualify Pe: a move Pe apparently expected.

The scenario in his mind: They sue, he resists the lawsuits, elections are held, he wins, he serves as councilor, as legal battles go on until the term expires and the next elections come and he runs again.

Electric fence

Pe's plan will succeed if (1) Comelec and the courts will drag their feet and it will take ages to resolve the legal conflicts; and (2) voters will elect Pe.

With all the hype over Pe's adventuris­m, they might resolve the case faster than usual. If not, the only way to frustrate his intent to violate the law is rejection by ballot.

A drubbing will effectivel­y end Pe's caper.

There are three kinds of men, Will Rogers said: those who learn by reading, those who learn by observing, and those who learn by pissing on an electricit­y- rigged fence.

The way it looks Pe has opened his fly and is about to piss.

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