Sun.Star Cebu - Sun.Star Cebu Weekend

Raine Baljak, 21


Business Owner and Founder BaBeBoBs Beauty & Fitness Consultanc­y

“Iwas diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was 15, and I’ve been managing it with my training. I want to share the benefits of my training to others who have similar problems with managing mental, emotional and physical stress, especially the youth. So I decided to create my ASSY & BUTTS charity, which is dedicated to the youth through weightlift­ing training, but somehow, I have to provide to my charity due to expenses that I realized later when I already started it, so I decided to start my BaBeBoBs Beauty & Fitness Consultanc­y business, which still relates to my training programs and sharing this Barbell Training to others. All to just manage my dark side, and give me a sense of purpose in life.”

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