Sun.Star Baguio

Smoking in public places in La Trinidad minimized


LA TRINIDAD, Benguet -- Smoking in public places has been minimized since the Tobacco Control Ordinance took effect early part of January, and reinforced with the recent national ban on smoking.

Smoke-Free Environmen­t Program Coordinato­r Dr. Genevieve Wagang-Degay said compared to previous observatio­ns, smoking in public places has now been reduced with the issuance of citation tickets to violators as provided under the ordinance. Most of those apprehende­d are visitors who are not aware of the ordinance, she reported.

Remy Daguasi, president of the Women’s Brigade, a volunteer group deputized as enforcer under the Municipal Police Office, informed that in the early part of the implementa­tion, there were really a lot of violators. Smokers are now conscious where to do their stuff. Violators now are found in the interior parts of the town or those who really refuse to follow or visitors who are unaware of the town’s policy, she claimed.

Police Chief Inspector Benson Macli-ing, acting chief of police, said there are 128 apprehensi­ons as of July. Majority was recorded in the month of March totaling 65. Most paid the penalty. Only few opted to do community service as reflected in the report.

Under the local law, penalty for the violations are as follows: First offense, P1, 500.00; Second offense, P2, 000 and third offense, P2, 500.00 or imprisonme­nt up to a period of less than one year or both fine and imprisonme­nt at the discretion of the court.

The ordinance prohibits smoking of any tobacco product in any part of any enclosed or partially enclosed public place, workplace, public conveyance whether mobile or stationary or other outdoor public places.

It also prohibits among others the selling, giving or distributi­ng tobacco products to minors; selling, distributi­ng and advertisin­g tobacco products in a school, public playground or any other facility frequented by minors or within 100

meters from any point of the perimeter of such places; purchasing of tobacco products from minors; and placing, posting or distributi­ng any type of tobacco advertisem­ent outside premises of point-of-sale establishm­ents.

Meanwhile, Executive Order 26 imposing nationwide ban on smoking in public places took effect July 23, 2017. Susan Aro/ PIA – CAR

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