Sun Star Bacolod

92 farmers get titles, take oath as ARBS in southern Negros

- *(PNA)

NINETY-TWO farmers received land titles and took their oath as agrarian reform beneficiar­ies (ARBS) under the Comprehens­ive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) in southern Negros, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Negros Occidental 2 said in a report on Friday.

In Moises Padilla, certificat­es of land ownership award (CLOAS) were distribute­d on Thursday to 37 farmer-beneficiar­ies in Barangay Quintin Remo.

They obtained titles to the agricultur­al properties previously owned by Josefa Villaruel, Basilisa Mudanza, and Rosemarie Isidro-alvarez, with an area of 4.38 hectares, 15.98 hectares, and 11.23 hectares, respective­ly.

Agrarian reform program technologi­sts assisted during the distributi­on held at Barangay Quintin Remo.

The 37 ARBS were the latest CLOA recipients in southern Negros after the DAR also distribute­d land titles for 398.1384 hectares

of agricultur­al lands to 422 ARBS from January to middle of May this year.

Meanwhile, 55 farmer-beneficiar­ies took their

oath to become ARBS before Presiding Judge Joseph Gedeoni Valencia of the Municipal Trial Court in the neighborin­g La Castellana on Thursday.

Before the oath-taking, they signed the applicatio­n to purchase and farmer’s undertakin­g after passing the screening process.

They are qualified to share 56.84 hectares of landholdin­gs owned by Mercedes Montilla, Arturo Jimenez, and Cesar Tan, all in Barangays Quintin Remo, Odiong, and Montilla in Moises


Under the land acquisitio­n and distributi­on process of the CARP Extension with Reforms, public and private agricultur­al landholdin­gs are acquired by the government to be distribute­d to tenants, farmers, farmworker­s, and/or other tillers qualified to become ARBS.

 ?? ?? LAND TITLES▪ Personnel of the Department of Agrarian Reform Negros Occidental 2 (South) gives an orientatio­n during the distributi­on of the land titles to 37 farmerbene­ficiaries Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental on Thursday (July 18, 2024)▪ They obtained certificat­es of land ownership award to the agricultur­al properties previously owned by three individual­s in Barangay Quintin Remo▪
LAND TITLES▪ Personnel of the Department of Agrarian Reform Negros Occidental 2 (South) gives an orientatio­n during the distributi­on of the land titles to 37 farmerbene­ficiaries Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental on Thursday (July 18, 2024)▪ They obtained certificat­es of land ownership award to the agricultur­al properties previously owned by three individual­s in Barangay Quintin Remo▪ DAR NEGROS OCCIDENTAL 2 PHOTO

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