Sun Star Bacolod

Barangay, youth officials take oath in Himamaylan


SOME 304 newly-elected barangay and Sanggunian­g Kabataan officials from the 19 barangays in Himamaylan City collective­ly took their oath of office on Wednesday, November 22.

In his message, Mayor Raymund Tongson said Himamaylan­ons have a huge expectatio­n from their new leaders along with the continuing city government officials.

“This will be a challengin­g time to you, our new leaders, as you are the government’s frontliner­s,” Mayor Tongson quotes Fifth District Representa­tive Dino Yulo during his reminders to the bets at the peace convenant signing held before the polls.

Tongson assured the new officials that the city government and the Fifth Congressio­nal District will continuoul­y support incoming barangay and youth programs and activities.

The new punong barangay who took oath were Patrick Vallejera (Brgy. 1), Jacinto Castillo (Brgy. 2), Jeremias Ban (Brgy. 3), Jeomarie Nunay (Brgy. 4), Benjie Tan (Aguisan), Third Tongson (Buenavista), Martin Villafranc­a (Cabadianga­n),

Rodney Gerenca (Cabanbanan), Mildred Titular (Carabalan), Rolando Ginlo (Caradio-an), Antonio Immanuel Limsiaco (Libacao), Aileen Vasquez (Mahalang), Erwin Tongson (Mambagaton),

Myco Eliver (Nabalian), Roger Artanio (San Antonio), Agapito Lozada (Sara-et), Cherrie Hope Belarga (Suay), Kerwin Tongson (Talaban), and Jimmy Camaso (To-oy).

Meanwhile, the new SK presidents assuming post are Chester John Alipo-on (Brgy. 1), Justine Therese Cervanes (Brgy. 2), Mark

Joseph Salem (Brgy 3.), Christian Bajar (Brgy. 4), Mark Lester Kho Abkilan (Aguisan), Aby Kaye Caceres (Buenavista), Reymart

Salcedo (Cabadianga­n),

Marvin Presquito (Cabanbanan), James Ganaganag (Carabalan), Ness marie Poquiz (Caradio-an),

Micah Princess Rullan (Libacao), Edelen Oberio (Mahalang), Marvialene Calapao (Mambagaton),

Reymark Gellangala (Nabalian), Romnick Artanio (San Antonio), Kia Evaristo (Sara-et), Shane Joseph Dichoso (Suay), Jedalyn Pampliega (Talaban), and Leony Prendon (To-oy).

Tongson congratula­ted the officials adding that the people of Himamaylan are participat­ing more in the leadership process. “Himamaylan­ons are now critical in choosing their new leaders.”

He also urged them to tap the support of the bets who did not succeed in the polls. As the officials take seat at Himamaylan, the city mayor hopes for all to unite as “there is still a lot of work that we can and need to do.”*(pr)

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 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS ?? MASS OATHTAKING▪ Mayor Raymund Tongson leads the oathtaking of the new barangay ang Sanggunian­g Kabataan officials of Himamaylan City, Nov▪ 22▪
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS MASS OATHTAKING▪ Mayor Raymund Tongson leads the oathtaking of the new barangay ang Sanggunian­g Kabataan officials of Himamaylan City, Nov▪ 22▪

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