Sun Star Bacolod

Bacojo, Arca hurdle round 5 in world youth chess tourney


FILIPINO FIDE Masters Mark Jay Bacojo and Christian Gian Karlo Arca won their fifth-round matches at the FIDE World Youth Chess Championsh­ips at Pala Dean Martin Centro Congressi in Montesilva­no, Italy Friday.

Bacojo stunned French Internatio­nal Master Timothe Razafindra­tsima in 26 moves of the Sicilian Defense, Alapin Variation to claim his fourth victory against one loss.

He jumped to sixth place from 13th in the Boys’ Under-18 and will face Russian Grandmaste­r Volodar Murzin in the next round.

Arca also moved to sixth place from 19th in the Boys’ U-14 following his victory over Uzbekistan’s Miraziz Kuziev in

60 moves of the London System Opening, Jobava Variation.

Arca, who now has 4.0 points (3 wins, 2 draws), will next meet Norwegian Isak Vinh Brattgjerd.

In the Girls’ U-18,

Woman National Master Franchesca Largo settled for a draw with Polish WFM Martyna Starosta after 107 moves of the Slav Defense and climbed to 10th from 17th place.

Largo, who has earned 3.5 points (3 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss), will take on Moldovian WFM Ana Petricenco in the sixth round.

In the Girls’ U1-4 category, Woman National Master Bonjoure Fille Suyamin beat Czech Republic’s Amalie Zadrapova in 58 moves of the King’s Indian Defense to notch her third win. Her next opponent is Mexican Guadalupe Montano Vicente.

Jirah Floravie Cutiyog drew with Norwegian Oda Kofoed Skramstad in 74 moves of the King’s Indian Defense to also earn 3.0 points. She will face American Jolie Huang in the next round.

Anica Shey, who trounced Moldovian Ecaterina Comarnitca­ia to earn 2.5 points, will tackle Romanian Alexia Andries while Maureinn Lepaopao, who has one point, will battle Austrian Lena Antenreite­r.

In the Girls’ U-16 class, Woman National Master Kaye Lalaine Regidor defeated American Rowan Soraya Field to gain 3.0 points. She will square off with Romanian Woman Candidate Master Lia-alexandra Maria in the next round.

In other results, Mark Gabriel Usman downed Havir Adhya of Portugal and Charly Jhon Yamson lost to Swiss Lionel Gut in the Boys’ U-14, while National Master Oscar Joseph Cantela bowed to American Rohan Padhye in the Boys’ U-16 class. All three Filipinos have 2.0 points.

In the sixth round, Usman

will face Swedish Melvin Ral Lustig; Yamson will meet Georgian Giorgi Chanturia; and Cantela will take on Swedish FM Adrian Soderstrom.

Meanwhile, Mongolian GM Bayarsaikh­an Gundavaa scored 9.0 points to rule the side event Blitz competitio­n.

Bacojo and Arca tied for 5th to 10th places with Oleksandr Vasnynda (Ukraine), IM Davit Zarkua (Georgia), FM Filip Magold (Norway) and GM Ognjen Cvitan (Croatia).

The Philippine team, coached by Arena Grandmaste­r Marlon Bernardino Jr., Woman FIDE Master Shania Mae Mendoza and Ederwin Estavillo, is supported by the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporatio­n.*(pna)

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? WINNER▪ Filipino FIDE Master Mark Jay Bacojo boosts his campaign at the FIDE World Youth Chess Championsh­ips with D YLFWRU\ LQ WKH ¿IWK URXQG DW WKH 3DOD 'HDQ 0DUWLQ &HQWUR Congressi in Montesilva­no, Italy on Friday (Nov▪ 17, 2023)▪ He EHVWHG )UHQFK ,QWHUQDWLRQ­DO 0DVWHU 7LPRWKH 5D]D¿QGUDWVLPD LQ PRYHV RI WKH 6LFLOLDQ 'HIHQVH $ODSLQ 9DULDWLRQ WR FODLP KLV IRXUWK YLFWRU\ DJDLQVW RQH ORVV
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO WINNER▪ Filipino FIDE Master Mark Jay Bacojo boosts his campaign at the FIDE World Youth Chess Championsh­ips with D YLFWRU\ LQ WKH ¿IWK URXQG DW WKH 3DOD 'HDQ 0DUWLQ &HQWUR Congressi in Montesilva­no, Italy on Friday (Nov▪ 17, 2023)▪ He EHVWHG )UHQFK ,QWHUQDWLRQ­DO 0DVWHU 7LPRWKH 5D]D¿QGUDWVLPD LQ PRYHV RI WKH 6LFLOLDQ 'HIHQVH $ODSLQ 9DULDWLRQ WR FODLP KLV IRXUWK YLFWRU\ DJDLQVW RQH ORVV

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