Philippine Daily Inquirer



PARIS—Five years after a devastatin­g fire, the restoratio­n of Notre Dame cathedral is nearing completion as the world’s eyes turn to Paris for the Olympic Games.

On the evening of April 15, 2019, the cathedral’s roof burst into flames. Soon, it had engulfed the spire and almost toppled the main bell towers. Around the world, TV viewers watched with horror as the medieval building burned.

French President Emmanuel Macron, whose second and final term ends in 2027, wants the cathedral’s restoratio­n to lift the nation’s mood—and his government’s approval ratings. “Only once in a century does one host Olympic and Paralympic Games, only once in a millennium does one rebuild a cathedral,” Macron said in his 2024 New Year speech.

It remains unclear what exactly caused the fire. French authoritie­s have said an electrical fault or a burning cigarette may have been responsibl­e.

“A firefighte­r told me ‘Sir, take a close look at the façade because if we don’t manage to put out that fire, it will all go to ruin,’” remembered Patrick Chauvet, the former Notre Dame chief priest.

The façade held, but the damage has needed five years of intense stabilizat­ion and restoratio­n works.

The pride of those working on the project shines through.

“This is the constructi­on work of a lifetime, because restoring an entire monument in all its three-dimensiona­lity, that’s quite exceptiona­l,” Emma Roux, an artisan working on the iconic stained glass windows, said.

On schedule

The reopening is scheduled for December, and is currently running on schedule, according to the official leading the project.

“We are on time and on budget,” Philippe Jost said last month at a Senate hearing. Jost told lawmakers that the project had so far cost 550 million euros ($587 million), funded in part by massive donations, including from luxury sector billionair­es Francois Henri Pinault and the Arnault family. So much money has been donated that there will even be funds left over for further investment in the building, he said.

“An additional 150 million euros should be made available and—provided the approval of our sponsors—it will be used to restore the cathedral and tackle problems that predate the fire, which mainly concern the exterior stonework,” Jost added.

Jost, 63, a trained engineer who spent much of his career in the defense ministry, took over the job after his predecesso­r, Gen. Jean-Louis Georgelin, died in a hiking accident in August 2023.

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 ?? —PHOTOS BY REUTERS ?? RESTORED The top photo shows fire engulfing the spire of Notre Dame Cathedral on April 15, 2019. Below, the new spire stands tall as restoratio­n works continue on March 30.
—PHOTOS BY REUTERS RESTORED The top photo shows fire engulfing the spire of Notre Dame Cathedral on April 15, 2019. Below, the new spire stands tall as restoratio­n works continue on March 30.

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