Philippine Daily Inquirer

A suzerainty in the making?


What if China, despite its intrusions into Philippine seas, has a subtle way of taking over control of the Philippine­s other than by forcible takeover? What if Philippine leaders are complicit in pushing this alternativ­e plan to fruition?

Consider the concept of suzerainty. Suzerainty is a relationsh­ip in which one state controls the foreign policy of a tributary state, while allowing the tributary state to have internal autonomy. The dominant state is called the “suzerain.” Under suzerainty, the tributary state is technicall­y independen­t, but enjoys limited self-rule.

While a sovereign state can agree to become a protectora­te of a stronger power, internatio­nal law does not recognize any way of making this relationsh­ip compulsory on the weaker power. “Suzerainty is a practical, de facto situation, rather than a legal, de jure one,” per Wikipedia.

China is trying to establish a suzerainty in the Asia Pacifc Region, with it as the suzerain. China could be trying to exercise control over the foreign policy of the Philippine­s by claiming that Philippine seas and islands are China’s, and demanding that sea and air passage over the area by other states requires China’s permission, forcing the Philippine­s to adjust its policies.

Filipinos may be surprised to learn one day that a Chinese suzerainty over the Philippine­s could go beyond the West Philippine Sea. Chinese suzerainty could also mean access to the East Philippine Sea and the richness of Benham Rise with its suspected enormous natural resources. Strategica­lly, the Philippine­s could then become the main link, so to speak, of China’s chain of control to the entire Pacific Ocean.

China is hard at work establishi­ng that suzerainty over the Philippine­s through promised developmen­t loans, loans to meet the pandemic, direct investment­s, and other financial help. And beyond all this, President Duterte has even requested (jokingly?) that China make the Philippine­s one of its provinces, albeit unofficial­ly. All of these said and done nicely with smiles on both sides.

The option to establish a suzerainty would be a logical choice for China. An outright invasion of the Philippine­s could lead to complex consequenc­es. For one, it could trigger off the Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States and the Philippine­s. It could lead to the overwhelmi­ng condemnati­on of China by the family of nations. Suzerainty does not overtly pose these consequenc­es to Beijing, especially if the political leadership of the Philippine­s is somehow complicit in the plot.

Most Filipinos view the United States as an ally today, despite the attempts of Mr. Duterte to create new geopolitic­al relations with mainland China. China, of course, may be replicatin­g the Japanese plan of a greater Asia under the “Japanese Co-Prosperity Sphere” of World War

II. If Mr. Duterte does not stand in the way of China’s plans for its own Co-Prosperity Sphere, those plans could come to fruition. Like dominoes, the rest of the Southeast Asian states could fall to the new chokehold of China over the surroundin­g seas, with the Philippine­s as the main point of that chokehold.

Sadly, President Duterte seems ready to welcome the attempt of China to create a “Made in China” suzerainty. As one wag mentioned, all that is needed is for Mr. Duterte to replace his title of “President, Republic of the Philippine­s” with the new title of “Governor of the Philippine­s, Province of China” to make it official.

It is the height of political naïveté for Mr. Duterte to expect that under China’s suzerainty, our country will enjoy any kind of political autonomy. All one has to do is to look at the political experience of Hong Kong and Tibet with China. China does not endorse real political autonomy, and will use draconian measures to retain and increase political, economic, and, if need be, military control over a vassal state.

Can Filipinos expect Mr. Duterte to move the Philippine­s away from his declared affinity for a dominant, hegemonic China? Heaven help us if he can’t—or won’t.


Rafael E. Evangelist­a ( is a retired partner of the internatio­nal law firm of Baker & McKenzie, former vice chair of the board of directors of the Bank of Commerce, and immediate past national commander of the Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor.

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