Philippine Daily Inquirer


- By Julie M. Aurelio @JMAurelioI­NQ

Malacañang on Monday defended President Duterte’s remark that he would “exchange saliva” with beautiful female critics of his administra­tion, saying the public should not take it seriously.

Presidenti­al spokespers­on Salvador Panelo said that it was Mr. Duterte’s style to crack jokes and make his audience laugh.

“I think we shouldn’t be worried of what the impact of those statements made by him. What is important to my mind is that he functions well as President of this country, and he serves well his citizenry,” Panelo said in a press briefing in Malacañang.

“Not to ignore, but we shouldn’t give too much weight on that in so far as it insults or offends,” he added.

‘Gross macho antics’

The Gabriela Women’s Party on Monday criticized Mr. Duterte for the remark, saying it demeaned women.

In a speech at the MassKara Festival in Bacolod City on Saturday, the President dared his critics to spit on his face if they could prove that he had unexplaine­d wealth.

While calling unattracti­ve women who criticize him “ugly” and “crazy,” Mr. Duterte had this to say of “beautiful women” who called him out:

“If you’re a beautiful woman, and you spit on me, I’ll get your spit, place it in my mouth and give it back to you, plus my own, because you’re beautiful.”

Gabriela denounced Mr. Duterte for his “gross macho antics” and warned that he was setting a bad example for the country’s young children.

But Panelo said the audience laughed when the President delivered the “joke.”

“I don’t think he was being offensive or insulting. From the reactions of the audience, they were laughing … because they are used to this President,” he said.

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