Philippine Daily Inquirer

Timely law


President Duterte signed last week Republic Act No. 11032, or the Ease of Doing Business Act, to introduce simplified requiremen­ts and streamline­d procedures that, in his words, “will finally spare our people from the intolerabl­e waiting time and long lines in frontline government agencies.” The law cuts the processing time for government agencies and state-owned and -controlled corporatio­ns to three working days for simple transactio­ns, seven days for complex transactio­ns and 20 working days for highly technical transactio­ns. It also requires all local government units ( LGUs) to come up with a unified business applicatio­n form to streamline procedures for the issuance of business permits, clearances and other types of authorizat­ions, and to set up one-stop shops to facilitate applicatio­ns for business permits.

The law likewise created the Philippine Business Databank, which will give LGUs and national government agencies access to informatio­n to verify data about businesses. It also establishe­d the Central Business Portal as a repository of all applicatio­n data on business-related transactio­ns. The Anti-Red Tape Authority, under the Office of the President, will serve as the key agency to implement the new law and monitor compliance.

This is a very timely law, considerin­g that the Philippine­s’ ranking in the World Bank report on the ease of doing business slipped to 113th last year, from 99th in 2016, among the 190 countries surveyed. The report showed that across the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations, the Philippine­s was outranked by Singapore ( second overall), Malaysia and Thailand (26th), Brunei (56th), Vietnam (68th) and Indonesia (72nd).

In the ease of doing business indicators, the Philippine­s’ best ranking was 31st in getting electricit­y. It ranked 173rd in starting a business, 149th in enforcing contracts, 101st in dealing with constructi­on permits, 114th in registerin­g property, 142nd in getting credit, 146th in protecting minority investors, 105th in paying taxes, 99th in trading across borders, and 59th in resolving insolvency.

The World Bank cited the case of a potential software entreprene­ur to illustrate how difficult it was to open a business in the Philippine­s: If she were a national of Canada, it would take just two procedures, one and a half days and less than 1 percent of income per capita (about 200 Canadian dollars or P8,300) to start her business in Toronto. She can perform these steps online from the comfort of her home.

However, if the same entreprene­ur were a national of the Philippine­s, living in Quezon City, the business incorporat­ion process would require 16 procedures, take 28 days and cost around 16 percent of income per capita. She would need to make 20 different tax and contributi­on payments and visit multiple agencies in person.

The Ease of Doing Business Act is a step in the right direction, as it will finally institutio­nalize transparen­cy and accountabi­lity in government agencies and LGUs. Government officials or their representa­tives now face sanctions if they fail to act expeditiou­sly on applicatio­ns for business permits or other documents, or for simply failing to inform applicants about the missing requiremen­ts in their applicatio­ns.

What is needed now is the political will to implement the law. A massive informatio­n campaign on the different provisions of the new law should be undertaken among personnel of such frontline agencies as the Bureaus of Internal Revenue, of Customs, and of Immigratio­n, the Department­s of Trade and Industry and of Labor and Employment, and the Board of Investment­s, among others, as well as the various LGUs.

Succeeding in this, the Philippine­s can easily jump to the top 20 percent of the 190 countries monitored annually by the World Bank on how friendly their economies are to investors. It’s time to address, for good, the perennial complaints about slow and inefficien­t government services for doing business in the country.

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