Philippine Daily Inquirer

Good etiquette, civility can help your business


In today’s multitaski­ng world, many customer touch points are now transacted electronic­ally through gadgets or the internet. It is getting harder to differenti­ate without the human touch. Hence, during the few interactio­ns when customers interface with our representa­tives, it is good to practice etiquette and civility. Etiquette is more than saying hello and following a script, but it is acknowledg­ing and providing respect for everyone. When we do this authentica­lly and genuinely, it is highly admired. We always remember people who treat us well—and definitely those who do not.

Weasked Miselle Bergonia, a certified image consultant of the London Image Institute, for some tips on how this can applied in our daily work life.

1. Practice civility

Civility is treating people with respect, restraint and responsibi­lity. And remember respect begets respect. Respect others so they respect you back. When someone is being rude to you, do not respond with equal rudeness. Practice restraint, respond with subtleness, and assert yourself calmly. Finally, responsibi­lity. Do not think it is the responsibi­lity of others to be civil to you. It starts with you.

2. Understand your triggers

Understand­ing your triggers can help you control or minimize a bad habit. Having a journal of your thoughts or even practicing a daily reflection of what went well and what didn’t go well or what made you angry or disappoint­ed is a good practice. When making a daily reflection, take note of what is going on in your emotions, your physical reaction, facial reaction, everything happening to you. If it is positive, what is happening to you? If it is a negative reaction, note what is going on, as well. Then once you’ve identified the reaction, identify what made you react this way. Therefore, identify the trigger. This can also help you identify the habit.

3. Be mindful

The second phase of your reflection is to think of “what went wrong” that day and think, how would you react or respond when it happens again? What would you do to avoid it? This is being mindful— on a daily basis, once you are consistent­ly becoming aware of your physical, emotional and even facial reactions, you will be able to identify the trigger and respond in a manner that you’ve reflected upon. Thereby practice being mindful.

Remember that being civilized and practicing good etiquette can even distinguis­h you from your competitor­s—a key differenti­ator that could set your business apart.

Armed with experience in the corporate arena, Bergonia will be facilitati­ng a workshop titled “Profession­al Image and Presence: Civility and Etiquette in the Modern Business Setting” on June 9, 2017 to be held at the Inquirer Academy. It is designed to help profession­als identify ways that civility and etiquette can impact overall executive presence.

The workshop is ideal for profession­als across all organizati­ons and department­s, from the functional level of junior executives to more senior managers.

The Inquirer Academy is at 4168 Don Chino Roces Ave. corner Ponte St., Makati City. For more informatio­n about the workshop or if you would like to add your input on the article, you may email ask@inquirerac­, call (632) 834-1557 or 771-2715 and look for Jerald Miguel, or visit the website at www.inquirerac­

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