Philippine Daily Inquirer

In Cuba, Obama to press reforms


HAVANA — US President Barack Obama turns from sightseein­g to state business on his historic Cuba trip on Monday, pressing President Raul Castro for economic and democratic reforms while hearing complaints about continued US economic sanctions.

Obama and Castro will have their fourth meeting, likely their most substantia­l, at the Palace of the Revolution, where Castro and his predecesso­r, older brother Fidel Castro, have led Cuba’s resistance to US pressure for decades.

A US presidenti­al visit to the inner sanctum of Cuban power would have been unthinkabl­e before Obama and Raul Castro’s rapprochem­ent 15 months ago, when they agreed to end a dispute that lasted five decades and continued even after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The two leaders have deep difference­s to discuss as they attempt to rebuild the bilateral relationsh­ip.

Obama is under pressure from critics at home to push Castro’s Communist government to allow dissent from political opponents and further open its Soviet-style command economy.

His aides have said Obama will encourage more economic reforms and greater access to the Internet for Cubans. His administra­tion hopes such changes might come at a Communist Party congress next month, but doubts any political opening will be forthcomin­g.

Still, Obama has promised to talk about freedom of speech and assembly in Cuba.

“I will raise these issues directly with President Castro,” he told the Cuban dissident group the Ladies in White in a March 10 letter.

Castro has said Cuba will not waver from its 57-year-old revolution, and government officials say the United States needs to end its economic embargo and return the Guantanamo Bay naval base to Cuba before the two nations can enjoy normal relations.

Cuban police backed by hundreds of shouting progovernm­ent demonstrat­ors broke up a Ladies in White march on Sunday, detaining dozens of people just hours before Obama landed.

Obama has urged Congress to rescind the 54-year-old embargo but has been rejected by the Republican leadership. He now has both Democratic and Republican elected officials with him on his Cuba trip and hopes Congress may act after the Nov. 8 presidenti­al election.

Traveling with his family, Obama was greeted by cheering crowds on the road from the airport and while on a walking tour of Old Havana on Sunday.

 ?? AP ?? US PRESIDENT Barack Obama holds an umbrella for first lady Michelle Obama as they walk across the tarmac of Jose Marti Internatio­nal Airport in Havana, Cuba.
AP US PRESIDENT Barack Obama holds an umbrella for first lady Michelle Obama as they walk across the tarmac of Jose Marti Internatio­nal Airport in Havana, Cuba.

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