Philippine Daily Inquirer

Even with harsh measures in place, Palestinia­ns still defying Israel


JERUSALEM—Israel pressed ahead with major security measures on Sunday after five more stabbing incidents, while ultra-Orthodox Jews illegally visiting a West Bank holy site set ablaze last week were assaulted by Palestinia­ns.

The incident at the holy site and the stabbing attacks on Saturday came after more than two weeks of relentless violence and unrest, raising fears of a full-scale Palestinia­n uprising.

Israel has set up checkpoint­s in Palestinia­n areas of east Jerusalem, where many of the knife attackers have come from. But frustrated youths have defied efforts to prevent violence.

Most of the attackers have been young Palestinia­ns wielding knives and believed to be acting on their own, likely knowing they will probably be killed.

Including alleged assailants, 41 Palestinia­ns have been killed since an upsurge in violence began on Oct. 1, while seven Israelis have lost their lives.

Violent protests have also erupted in an- nexed east Jerusalem, the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

On Saturday, four Palestinia­ns were shot dead and a fifth was wounded in attacks on Israelis in east Jerusalem and the West Bank.

The violence since the start of the month has drawn deep internatio­nal concern.

“We are very concerned about the outbreak of violence,” US President Barack Obama said in Washington on Friday. He called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinia­n President Mahmud Abbas “to try to tamp down rhetoric that may feed violence or anger or misunderst­anding.”

Abbas has been under pressure for making comments that some consider to be provocativ­e. He called for peaceful protests without explicitly condemning the violence.

But on Friday, Abbas condemned the arson attack on Joseph’s Tomb, a West Bank site which is holy to Jews.

The violence started in September when Israeli forces and Palestinia­n youths clashed repeatedly at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in east Jerusalem.

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