Philippine Daily Inquirer

Japan PM expresses remorse over WWII


JAKARTA—Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed “deep remorse” on Wednesday for Japan’s World War II aggression at a summit attended by Asian leaders, but stopped short of repeating previous apologies in a move that risks angering Beijing and Seoul.

However there were also signs of a thaw with China, with Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping shaking hands as the summit in Indonesia got under way and a Tokyo official saying that the ground was being laid for the pair to meet on the sidelines.

A new meeting would be a significan­t step toward easing long-running tensions over Tokyo’s wartime past and territoria­l disputes.

The speech by Abe, a strident nationalis­t, at the Asia-Africa summit in Jakarta was being closely watched for clues about a statement he is due to make later this year marking the 70th anniversar­y of the end of World War II.

For China and South Korea, which suffered under the yoke of Japan’s imperial ambition, Abe’s language is a crucial marker of Tokyo’s acceptance of guilt for its march across Asia in the 1930s and 1940s, which left millions dead.

At the start of the two-day summit on Wednesday, which commemorat­es a key conference 60 years ago that helped emerging nations forge a common identity, he offered weaker remarks than previous Japanese leaders.

Referring to principles of peace laid down at the original conference, he told delegates: “And Japan, with feelings of deep remorse over the past war, made a pledge to remain a nation always adhering to those very principles throughout, no matter what the circumstan­ces.”

The weak statement is particular­ly notable as then Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi offered a “heartfelt apology” and referred to “colonial rule and aggression” at an Asia-Africa summit in Jakarta in 2005, echoing language in a landmark 1995 statement.

Abe also made a veiled attack at Chi- na over ongoing maritime disputes: “We should never allow to go unchecked the use of force by the mightier to twist the weaker around.”

Beijing and Tokyo are at odds over the sovereignt­y of uninhabite­d islands in the East China Sea, which Japan administer­s and calls the Senkakus but which China claims as the Diaoyus.

China is also locked in territoria­l disputes in the South China Sea with several countries, and tensions are particular­ly high with the Philippine­s.

Abe’s Jakarta speech was just his lat- est move that risks inflaming regional tensions. It came after he sent this week an offering to the controvers­ial Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, the supposed repository of the country’s war dead including 14 infamous war criminals.

And on Wednesday, more than 100 Japanese lawmakers visited the shrine, which China and South Korea view as a symbol of Japan’s unwillingn­ess to repent for aggressive warring, drawing a swift rebuke from Seoul, which expressed “deep disappoint­ment and regret.”

 ??  ?? THE IMPERIAL envoys visit the Yasukuni Shrine—the supposed repository of the country’s war dead including 14 infamous war criminals—during its Annual Spring Festival in Tokyo on April 22.
THE IMPERIAL envoys visit the Yasukuni Shrine—the supposed repository of the country’s war dead including 14 infamous war criminals—during its Annual Spring Festival in Tokyo on April 22.

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