Philippine Daily Inquirer

Attaining genuine prosperity

- R. Valencia and S. Bismark

THE YEAR 2013 is about to end—and a new one is about to begin. Some insights gained from the past year:

Time dictates that there’s a beginning and an end. Thus, there’s always rise and fall, glory and defeat, winning and losing. Beauty fades and wealth diminishes.

We’re all victims of life’s storms and typhoons. We are sometimes battered by emotional traumas, heartaches and anxieties. Wisdom means finding protection from them and gaining inner peace and harmony.

Natural disasters make us realize that we aren’t the true controller­s of our lives. They teach us to respect and worship the Great Controller.


The loss of material possession­s is a reminder that we’re bound to leave everything behind. A wise man prepares for his departure by letting go of material attachment­s and focusing on what’s imperishab­le.

Even if we see the miseries this world, we must understand that there’s a world without pain and suffering. The spiritual realm of happiness and love is our real home and shelter, where our Best Friend resides.

We wander through this world like lost orphans or refugees seeking permanent shelter. We ask these questions: Who is my real parent, and where do I come from? Sages teach us that the Supreme Person is our true parent, from whose love we’re born.

Sooner or later, we’ll have to go. A wise person takes every opportunit­y to move toward his real home, and not away from it! He uses his timewisely.

Stay away from firecracke­rs, pollution and overeating, which only lead to ill health and poverty. Celebrate the coming of the New Year with wisdom and love to attain genuine prosperity!

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