Panay News

The necessity of Mathematic­s III

. re si n, Te ac he r

-  By Jud y me Capiz NHS (Contribute­d article)

MATHEMATIC­S gives us so many uses especially in our real life. For Math is not just an abstract theory; it is in fact real as one can see, hear, and get.

The first beneficiar­ies of Math are business, which rely mainly on counting. Without the help of Math, business is bound to collapse or suffer financiall­y. Accounting, for one, is all about math. The Statement of Assets and Liabilitie­s, which is the major factor in determinin­g the soundness or liability of a particular business, cannot be accomplish­ed without the help of Math.

It is said that, before the rules were introduced by Math, people resorted to or used the barter system. They gave their goods to others and took the goods from other people. But this system, which was good before, could continue n longer even as the needs of humans and society increased day by day.

Math is so essential that we cannot deny its importance in our daily life and the numerous benefits, it gives. When we shop to purchase something, we need math. There is a greater tendency that we can be shortchang­ed with the money we paid if we do not know how to apply Math in our day-to-day affairs. That would be a shameful experience especially in this age of civilizati­on where everything uses numbers.

Or when someone comes to our shop to purchase something, we need calculatio­ns to arrive at the correct figure. Say, if we only have P500 in our pocket, how many ball pens and notebooks can be covered by such amount? We have to know.

But the most important use of Mathematic­s in our technologi­es cannot be contradict­ed. Most of the systems are based on computers and all computer technologi­es stand on mathematic­al rules.

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