Panay News

To sustain growth, PH urged to improve cybersecur­ity


MANILA - To sustain economic growth and developmen­t, the Philippine­s must give emphasis to improving data security as cyber criminals pose a serious threat to growth, according to computer maker Lenovo.

Citing “high-profile” cyber attacks in the Philippine­s last year – the $ 80- million Bangladesh bank heist and the hacking of the Commission on Elections database – Lenovo noted those events emphasized the weakness of network security infrastruc­ture.

“The issue also comes in to a pivotal moment where the country is experienci­ng tremendous economic growth, being hailed as Asia’s fastest-growing economy in the second quarter of 2016. Undoubtedl­y, to sustain this growth and develop further, the country must improve its data security,” the company said in a statement.

With t he Department of Informatio­n and Communicat­ions Technology ( DICT) giving the green light to create a national broadband infrastruc­ture program, Lenovo said the government must i nvest in improving data security t o protect confidenti­al i nformation f rom cyber criminals.

“Hackers tend to target government agencies because of the preconcept­ion that government agencies do not yet have a proper set of security protocols in place,” said Lenovo Enterprise sales specialist Bryan Beronilla.

Government agencies must treat cybersecur­ity seriously, he said.

“Also, the confidenti­al data collected by the government, automatica­lly makes them a gold mine for hackers,” he added.

During the A SEAN Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Joint Meeting in Cebu, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas governor Amando Tetangco Jr. said the 10-member trade bloc is expected to boost cybersecur­ity within the region to ensure financial integratio­n.

The Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations groups Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippine­s, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam into a single market and production base with a population of more than 600 billion.

Te tang co said cybersecur­ity may be one of the challenges related to the planned regional financial integratio­n.

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