Mindanao Times



Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Revised Rules on Court of the Philippine­s, notice is hereby given that the late LUZVISMIND­A SANGALANG AFABLE who died on December 24, 2019 in Davao City, without leaving any will or testament; at the time of her death decedent left no debts and was the owner of a parcel of land situated at Barrio of Sta. Anna, City of Davao, covered by Transfer Certificat­e of Title No. (P-29660 146-2019000005, containing an area of 170 square meters more or less, more particular­ly described as follows; Beginning at a point marked “1” of Lot 249-D, Bsd10243, being N,71-41 E, 1206.56 M, from Mon. 19. Davao Townsite, has been the subject of Extrajudic­ial Settlement of Estate with Deed of Donation made and executed by and among her heirs per Doc. No. 251; Page No. 52; Book No. 279; of the Notary Public Victorino B. Sarona of Davao City.

(MT- Dec. 18, 24 & 31, 2020)

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