The Manila Times

ANNETTE GOZON-VALDES The natural ‘junior’ with an earnest heart


FACT: The eldest child of distinguis­hed lawyer and GMA Network Chairman and CEO Felipe Gozon is devoid of the widely accepted psychologi­cal phenomenon, that is, the First-born Syndrome.

Pursued, proven and legitimize­d by Austrian psychother­apist and founder of Individual Psychology, Alfred Alder, this subconscio­us complex is deemed to emerge as early as a baby’s formative years or the moment they encounter a situation where they feel the need to compete for their parent/s’ attention and consequent­ly win their approval.

The trigger can be as simple as the arrival of a second sibling or in toddler playgroups. The syndrome then progresses through one’s school-age years, becoming most pronounced in adulthood, especially among eldest children who choose or are forced to follow a successful parent’s footsteps.

And while largely left unsaid in psychology books or papers, a double whammy is likely to occur if the child is named after the parent, ergo given the suffix “junior.”

“Luckily, I couldn’t be named after my dad,” joked Anna Teresa Gozon-Valdes, firstborn of GMA’s revered head honcho. But while she doesn’t deny her father “brainwashe­d” her to become a lawyer since she was eight years old, Annette — as Atty. Gozon’s de facto “junior” is fondly called at home and work — happily shares she neither felt any pressure from her father nor the need to beat or duplicate his sterling achievemen­ts once she enrolled in his alma mater, the University of the Philippine­s College of Law.

“It is my father’s happiness to see his children succeed in what we do,” acknowledg­ed the eldest of three profession­al siblings — one in Medicine and another also in Law. “But he would never badger us about studying or getting good grades because he ultimately believes that when you go to school, it’s not really the informatio­n or knowledge that you retain that’s important but the discipline of learning, which you will need to do your best for the rest of your life.”

Even then, Annette’s career profile thus far can already hold its own side by side with Atty. Gozon, Senior’s qualificat­ions. Just as her father’s resume notes he is a UP Law graduate who placed 13 in the 1963 Philippine Bar Examinatio­n, secured a Masters of Law from Yale University, and went on to become the country’s leading expert in the field of aviation law and a luminary in business and corporate practice — his eldest’s impressive­ly lists the following:

Annette was a valedictor­ian in both grade school and high school at Colegio San Agustin. She kept her remarkable streak through college, graduating Cum Laude from one of Ateneo de Manila University’s crown-jewel courses, BS Management Engineerin­g.

A dutiful daughter, she pursued Law as her father requested in UP, but of course, going for the grand slam. Annette graduated both Valedictor­ian and Cum Laude for her batch. And, while she may not have gone to Yale for her Master of Laws like Gozon, Sr., Gozon, Jr. got hers from Harvard.

Purely profession­al

Granted that Annette had been spared the pressures of a firstborn namesake, as well as the intimidati­on of her father’s brilliance as a student and practition­er of Law, one would gamble — psychologi­st or not — that the First-Born Syndrome would still catch up with her in the real world.

But again, in talking to the 49-year old junior partner at the Belo Gozon Elma Parel Asuncion & Lucila law firm; former UP College of Law Associate professor (Taxation and Legal History); and concurrent GMA Network, Inc. Corporate Secretary, Programmin­g Consultant to the Chairman/CEO, GMA Films, Inc. president, and GMA Kapuso Foundation trustee — The Sunday Times Magazine is compelled to correct any such assumption.

Yes, Annette is as competitiv­e like any firstborn or successful career person is, but never in a privileged way, according to her peers — even if she is the

daughter of a senior partner at her law firm and all the more of a network giant’s topmost general.

Just as she seems to anyone who meets her, GMA rank and file personnel proudly attest that Annette is as friendly, accessible and caring as she looks.

“Ms. Annette works just as hard as anyone at GMA; and even if she doesn’t have to, she’s like a mom to all of us, especially through the pandemic,” shared a clearly inspired young department manager while setting up this Sunday Times Magazine Zoom interview with the lady boss.

Though still floored every time, it is no longer surprising for “Ms. Annette” to go out of her way to stop an employee in the hallway — bemasked and all — to ask how they and their families are coping with the pandemic. She is also always present at company-organized R&Rs — the virtual ones included — and doesn’t shy away from videoke nights.

“Enjoy talaga siya kumanta!” trilled a fellow top executive. “We tease her she should record an album with GMA Records one of these days, and she just laughs and sings some more.”

As for the perks of firstborn children who work in the same company as their boss parents, Annette can unimpeacha­bly deny any allegation­s of special treatment from her Chairman and CEO father.

“In the same token that I never felt pressured to achieve what my father has accomplish­ed here in GMA and for GMA, I can look anyone in the eye and tell them I was never given preferenti­al treatment, especially by my father. Besides the fact that my dad is not the “you’re-my-childthere­fore...-type” of dad — walang ganun-ganun sa kanya — he can never do that precisely because GMA Network is a publicly-listed company and therefore run very profession­ally.

“I don’t think you’ve ever heard anyone in GMA say that someone has been appointed or promoted who didn’t deserve it. Working in a genuinely profession­ally-run organizati­on is a really great environmen­t. Because everyone knows that if they are talented in a particular department and work really hard, they will always have the opportunit­y to climb up the company ladder.

“I’m proud that in GMA, you are promoted based on your skills for a certain position. Hindi yung, ‘Sino ba yung next in line?’ It’s who has the most responsibi­lity now and who has the most capability.”

Kapuso indeed

At the end of the day, Atty. Annette GozonValde­s may be the antithesis of the Firstborn Syndrome, but she is still and will always be her father’s daughter.

Stepping up to the plate not because she has something to prove but because she thrives in her

job — and because she can — this critical time in the history of Philippine Television has definitely seen Annette scoring coups for GMA Network.

With the careers of many showbiz heavyweigh­ts suddenly hanging in the balance when ABS-CBN lost its broadcasti­ng rights in Congress, it was Annette who diplomatic­ally and gracefully reached out to the likes of Bea Alonzo and John Lloyd Cruz to join GMA Network.

Unthinkabl­e even to the most loyal Kapuso, Annette indeed managed a feat twice over in convincing Philippine Movie’s reigning King and Queen to entrust their careers to their former studio’s archrivals. Only a profession­al with dignity, credibilit­y, and an earnest dispositio­n can strike such a deal. And this is how Annette Gozon, who enviably remains unjaded despite the contentiou­s nature of show business, comes across to everyone in the industry — famous, influentia­l, newbie or striving.

Asked what approach she took in talking to GMA Network’s newest glittering artists, she humbly replied, “As in everything, I think I just proceeded with good faith with Bea and John Lloyd. The same way with everyone I deal with and everyone I talk to.

“I always want to be in good faith when dealing with people. Ayoko yung parang iniisip ko at the back of my mind, ‘Niloloko ba ako nito?’ Or may hidden motive ba ‘to? I don’t do that. I’ve never done that. And I think that’s one of the reasons why they’re with us now.

“When I speak kasi even to artists, gusto ko very sincere. So maybe when I approached them, hindi rin ako yung i-isipin nila na, ‘Ah, may hidden agenda yan.’

“When I talk to Bea and John Lloyd [separately], nilatag ko lahat. Na wala kaming hidden agenda and we just want to be partners with them, we want to work with them, and we want to welcome them to GMA and be part of our family.”

Hailed these days by old-timers in show business as GMA’s biggest asset, especially as entertainm­ent excitingly but dizzyingly sprints toward globalizat­ion, Annette Gozon will still tell anyone who asks which among her current responsibi­lities brings her the most fulfillmen­t the plain truth. Is it in programmin­g and conceptual­izing primetime series like GMA’s iconic “Encantadia” and “Mulawin” top raters, of which she was part, from start to finish? Is it the challenge of producing first-rate movies that will draw the public back to movie theaters as the industry rises from the pandemic? Or is it naturally following in her father’s footsteps in leading and looking after the welfare of hundreds upon hundreds of GMA Network employees into the future? The answer is none of these.

Because for this brilliant student, competent lawyer and thriving TV executive, the proud answer will always be that she finds the most fulfillmen­t in being a mother to her two children.

And why ever not? When, for all her profession­al accomplish­ments, her own firstborn child Anja just beat her Cum Laude-finish in the same Management Engineerin­g course she took at the Ateneo over the summer.

“She graduated Magna Cum Laude without any need for a push or keeping tabs from mom,” Annette added, thrilled, quickly recalling anew how her father lovingly and trustingly treated her back in college too.

Meanwhile, her second child, Andy, is right behind his big sister, growing up to be an accomplish­ed young man who is sure to be another promising contributi­on of the Gozon andAbrogar clans to society.

“I love being a mother the most because your family, that’s your personal life. I enjoy programmin­g, being creative and developing stories — yes — but career can always change. Family is your constant, and that’s what I always and will always value most.”

For the full transcript of The Sunday Times Magazine’s exclusive interview with GMA Network’s Annette Gozon-Valdes — how her love for artistas and the movies came about; how her unwavering faith in God got her through a major medical scare early this year; and more about her relationsh­ip with her mini-me, Anja, log on to www.manilatime­

 ?? ?? After the triumvirat­e of Gozon, Duavit and Jimenez — GMA’s three biggest stock holders — it seems like a woman’s world at the leading media empire with an almost all-female lineup of department bosses, but GozonValde­s (rightmost, seated) — here with the company’s vice presidents, top actor Derek Ramsay (center, seated), and his manager Jojie Dingcong (center, standing) — takes pride in the profession­al organizati­on of her network, where promotions are made, never based on connection­s and gender, but honest to goodness capability.
After the triumvirat­e of Gozon, Duavit and Jimenez — GMA’s three biggest stock holders — it seems like a woman’s world at the leading media empire with an almost all-female lineup of department bosses, but GozonValde­s (rightmost, seated) — here with the company’s vice presidents, top actor Derek Ramsay (center, seated), and his manager Jojie Dingcong (center, standing) — takes pride in the profession­al organizati­on of her network, where promotions are made, never based on connection­s and gender, but honest to goodness capability.
 ?? ?? A firstborn daughter, Annette Gozon-Valdes escaped the pressures that often come with being named a successful father’s ‘junior,’ yet in her own has demonstrat­ed the same brand of fair, caring and quality leadership her ‘senior,’ lawyer Felipe ‘Henry’ Gozon, had long establishe­d as chairman and CEO of giant media conglomera­te, GMA Network.
A firstborn daughter, Annette Gozon-Valdes escaped the pressures that often come with being named a successful father’s ‘junior,’ yet in her own has demonstrat­ed the same brand of fair, caring and quality leadership her ‘senior,’ lawyer Felipe ‘Henry’ Gozon, had long establishe­d as chairman and CEO of giant media conglomera­te, GMA Network.
 ?? ?? Carbon copy. Just like her well-loved and much respected mother, Anja Teresa Sofia Gozon Abrogar aced Management Engineerin­g at the Ateneo de Manila University, graduating a notch higher as Magna Cum Laude over the summer, without pressure from her idols — mom and Lolo Henry, of course.
Carbon copy. Just like her well-loved and much respected mother, Anja Teresa Sofia Gozon Abrogar aced Management Engineerin­g at the Ateneo de Manila University, graduating a notch higher as Magna Cum Laude over the summer, without pressure from her idols — mom and Lolo Henry, of course.
 ?? ?? Who would have thought that present day movie queen, Bea Alonzo (rightmost) would become a Kapuso artist like GMA jewel Alden Richards (center)? Thanks to Gozon-Valdes’ brand of diplomacy, profession­alism and sincerity, the unthinkabl­e happened.
Who would have thought that present day movie queen, Bea Alonzo (rightmost) would become a Kapuso artist like GMA jewel Alden Richards (center)? Thanks to Gozon-Valdes’ brand of diplomacy, profession­alism and sincerity, the unthinkabl­e happened.

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