The Manila Times

Kalamay Indang has a rich history


KALAMAY Indang, also known as Kalamay Buna, that has been designated as the one-town-oneproduct by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) office in Cavite has a history of more than one century.

This traditiona­l kakanin is described as sweet and chewy, and is made of glutinous rice, coconut milk and brown sugar, and is sprinkled with either young coconut meat or ripe jackfruit strips.

It was the Department of Labor and Employment Region 4A (Calabarzon), in cooperatio­n with Cavite Provincial Cooperativ­e, Livelihood and Entreprene­urial

Developmen­t Office, that sponsored the Kalamay Buna Product Developmen­t that assisted the members of the Samahan ng Magkakalam­ay ng Buna Lejos to improve their livelihood projects related to the delicacy.

The group also enhanced its members’ skills and improved their products also with financial support for the Indang local government that also conducted skills training programs.

DoLE-Region 4A and DTI-Cavite also helped standardiz­e Kalamay Indang with appropriat­e packaging with a square box containing 12 pieces of smaller kalamay pieces worth P50 and the rectangula­r box with 10 pieces of large kalamay worth P100.

Likewise, Indang Mayor Perfecto Fidel and Vice Mayor Ismael Rodil facilitate­d the constructi­on of a building near the old Indang municipal hall to serve as an outlet of the locality’s kalamay products dubbed as Bahay Kalamay. It also serves as the town’s pasalubong

(gift) center.

Indang Kalamay has a shelf life of two weeks at room temperatur­e.

Proof of Kalamay Indang’s long history is 98-year old Librada Costa of Buna Lejos, Indang who inherited her skills in making the delicacy from her parents. She started her own kalamay business at 18.

Through kalamay making and vending, Costa was able to send all

her seven children to college. Two of them are optometris­ts, another two are agricultur­ists while one is a

Philippine Navy captain. She also has son who is a marine course graduate.

 ?? PHOTO FROM KALAMAY INDANG FB PAGE ?? Kalamay Indang is a popular delicacy from the agritouris­m town of Indang, Cavite. n
PHOTO FROM KALAMAY INDANG FB PAGE Kalamay Indang is a popular delicacy from the agritouris­m town of Indang, Cavite. n

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