The Manila Times

Greek MPs launch probe into Novartis scandal


GREECE’S parliament on Thursday launched a probe into claims that nearly a dozen senior politician­s received bribes from or helped promote Swiss pharmaceut­ical giant

After an overnight debate, a broad majority from all parties voted in favour of setting up a preliminar­y commission of inquiry into the issue, a move also requested by the 10 politician­s themselves in order to clear their names.

“Is there anybody who doubts this company’s opaque practises?” Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told parliament, arguing that thousands of doctors were illegally paid to prescribe Novartis drugs, that the Swiss giant helped “manipulate” the prices of its products and laundered money through medical congresses of “questionab­le merit.”

“After hubris, catharsis is required,” Tsipras said. “Justice will be served.”

Only parliament has the power to investigat­e former ministers for actions taken while in power.

Among the 10 senior politician­s allegedly named by protected witnesses in a mostly US-based investigat­ion are conservati­ve ex-PM Antonis Samaras, EU migration commission­er Dimitris Avramopoul­os and central banker Yannis Stournaras.

They all deny wrongdoing.


“I know Tsipras detests me, but you have gone too far. You will be held to account for this frame-up against me,” Samaras told parliament, accusing the government of engaging in a “mud-slinging war”.

The parliament­ary commission has a month to recommend pros to the chamber.

The Swiss giant is suspected of having bribed decision-makers and doctors between 2006 and 2015 to build a commanding position in the Greek health market, as well as even though cheaper alternativ­es were available.

Tsipras has pledged to employ “every power afforded by national and internatio­nal law” to recover billions of euros believed to have been lost to the Greek health system as a result of the scheme.

But his opponents say the govern- from the economy and foreign policy issues.

Critics also note that the allegation­s -- some based on second-hand accounts -- are not accompanie­d by hard evidence and include glaring factual errors.

Avramopoul­os, who was Greek health minister in 2006-2009, has sued the witnesses who have allegedly named him in testimony for defamation and perjury, and wants their identities revealed.

are just two paragraphs mentioning my name... and every single word is untrue,” the EU migration chief said in his lawsuit.

The alleged testimony, leaked to the press, faults Avramopoul­os’ handling of a blood screening contract

Greek central banker Yannis - ter under Samaras, is among those

Stournaras, also named because his wife’s PR company organised congresses sponsored by Novartis, dismissed the claims as “idiotic” and “foul slander.”

The allegation­s also target the so- cialist party’s parliament­ary spokesman, Andreas Loverdos, and the deputy chairman of the main opposition conservati­ve party, Adonis Georgiadis.

Novartis’ overchargi­ng alone is estimated to have cost the Greek state some three billion euros ($3.7 billion).

Overall, corruption across the health sector cost Greece some 23 billion euros between 2000 and 2015, investigat­ors have said.

Greece’s Justice Minister Stavros Kontonis last year said Novartis had likely bribed “thousands” of doctors and civil servants.

He also accused Novartis of continuing to sell “overpriced” drugs even after the country was plunged into economic crisis in 2010 and huge cuts were imposed on state budgets, leaving many Greeks without access to affordable medicine.

The OECD has estimated that drugs purchases in Greece jumped from 23.6 percent of total health spending in 2006 to 30.7 percent in 2011. They fell to 25.9 percent in 2015 under pressure from internatio­nal creditors.

Novartis has said it has been cooperatin­g with US and Greek authoritie­s for over 14 months, whilst conducting an internal audit of its own.

The Swiss giant has already paid multimilli­on dollar fines in the United States, China and South Korea to settle corruption cases.

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