The Manila Times

Bong Go’s Senate offensive

- CONTRERAS ippine Daily Inquirer. Inquirer Phil-

vantage over seasoned journalist­s is probably their expensive gadgets, must have realized by now that picking on Bong Go was a wrong move. Bong Go’s appearance at the Senate hearing on the controvers­y was perfect political theater. In an unpreceden­ted show of force, prominent Cabinet secretarie­s were inside the session room, even as Go’s supporters rallied outside the Senate building.

But all eyes were on Bong Go, as he calmly and in a very composed manner totally eviscerate­d Rappler and to a lesser extent the

In a very undramatic fashion, Go undressed the pretension­s of these two media organizati­ons which have been parading themselves as enemies of fake news, and revealed them as the ones who propagate fakery and yellow journalism.

The contrast, particular­ly when seen in the light of the theatrics and dramatics of some senators, left Senator Trillanes pitifully trying to connect Go to some kind of corruption, even as Senator Hontiveros struggled, and failed, to frame her interventi­ons into a proper question. The anticipate­d explosives that were expected to be hurled against Bong Go turned out to be duds, with Rappler and being the ones getting hit instead.

But lest we get lost in the euphoria of the moment, there are things that we should remain wary about.

pieces of informatio­n landed in the hands of Rappler, and apparently, of Senator Trillanes. This is a crucial question to ask, considerin­g that the matters that have been leaked are on issues that may have national security implicatio­ns.

Obviously, it is easy to suspect that the source would have probably been from the ranks of the Philippine Navy, some of whose prominent heads expressed their reservatio­ns on the terms and conditions of the FAP, particular­ly on which provider will be chosen to install the combat management system (CMS) on the frigate.

in any organizati­on. But high standards of discipline and profession­alism are expected from our men and women in the armed services, and it is dangerous when internal organizati­onal disputes lead to leakage of documents that are now used as fodder by yellow journalist­s and disgruntle­d senators to wage a proxy war against the President through his Special Assistant.

Senator Lacson asked Vice Admiral Mercado if Bong Go had directly intervened in the FAP.

What I was waiting to be asked was who gave the complaint letter of HHI, with that notorious post-it, to Rappler. And how come Senator Trillanes has copies of documents which are not supposed to be made public.

It is disconcert­ing that no one from among those in attendance at the hearing even asked - dentiality of papers that have national security implicatio­ns was made, there was no frontal engagement made on the issue of the source of the informatio­n leak.

Bong Go’s successful offensive against yellow journalism must not lead us to lose sight of a more dangerous scenario. We face a new kind of threat when disgruntle­d elements of the armed forces would link with those who use the power of disinforma­tion, and those who weave intrigues and spin lies, to undermine social and political order.

informatio­n, more so if it will have implicatio­ns on our national security.

that letter. Senators should not let this pass in the next hearing. And should Fonbuena invoke, under oath, her media rights of not disclosing her source, then Rappler for which she is working can no longer use the excuse that it is not a media organizati­on in its SEC case.

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