The Manila Times

Duterte’s lethal misogyny


quickly organized the repatria return home, by compelling the to lend out his airplanes. Then he - as the head of this republic,” he said. “Every abuse committed to a sovereign nation.”

Presidenti­al spokesman Harry us to see these actions as proof of the President’s priorities. This time toadyish and unctuous. This once rightly reviled for being cretinous, hard-hearted and repugnant. butchered. She had been sliced navel, her skull broken, and her Her eyeballs, brain, tongue, old and had been missing for a in a freezer in an abandoned been beaten and strangled.

- the reports. But beyond the usual band-aid solutions and indignant fulminatio­ns, he is clueless as to

Duterte is a misogynist and his misogyny is imperiling the country. His countless disgusting, demeaning and disrespect from the same malevolent, testostero­ne- filled mental cesspit that is spreading fear, enabling impunity and corroding our democratic institutio­ns.

Just ask embattled Vice Presi - Just ask Ombudsman Conchita harasses and threatens, or Chief or Maria Ressa, head of Rappler, constituti­on, or Loida Nicolas - of funding efforts to destabiliz­e the government. Duterte has a prob has said. “He’s a chauvinist. When it really gets his ire.”

Duterte’s “shoot them in the vagina” remark has dangerous consequenc­es. In a statement De Lima issued to the press, she profession­alism of the country’s - mised and manipulate­d. “They the President’s “brand of violence, -

been reached. When talk of sexual violence is passed off as jokey ban - tization, thinks the journalist Ana P. Santos. Whatever “traction our gotten has been muzzled by President Rodrigo Duterte,” she says.

fears the effect of Duterte’s barrage of verbal abuse on our collective years, long enough to enjoy some today the Duterte regime has taken us back to square one.”

chilling lack of empathy, for his every assault on basic human decency. We cheer on his heedless regard for and respect. We enable Duterte and his cabal of self-serving suckups. Duterte may cast the nation into the abyss, but the real horror

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