Manila Bulletin

Carlos reassigned to AFP HQ over alleged Ph-china ‘new model’ deal


Embattled military officer Vice Admiral Alberto Carlos was rotated to the General Headquarte­rs of the Armed Forces of the Philippine­s (AFP GHQ) at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City after being booted out of his post as the commander of the Palawan-based Western Command (Wescom) due to the “new model” controvers­y.

Vice Admiral Toribio Adaci Jr., Philippine Navy (PN) Flag Officer in Command, confirmed this to reporters on the sidelines of the PN’S 126th anniversar­y in Manila on Friday, May 24.

“Reassignme­nts are normal in the armed forces so designatio­ns and reliefs are just part of service,” he said.

Adaci clarified that Carlos was not dismissed from service, explaining that his reassignme­nt was to ensure that the operation of the Wescom would continue and not be jeopardize­d.

Commodore Roy Vincent Trinidad, PN spokespers­on for West Philippine Sea, added: “This would allow Admiral Carlos to be able to face all the issues, the smear campaign raised against him so he was rotated to GHQ to give him time.”

Carlos took a personal leave earlier this month when news broke out alleging that he entered into an agreement with a Chinese diplomat identified as “Colonel Li” to deescalate tension in the West Philippine Sea.

The alleged agreement was about establishi­ng a new model which would only allow limited vessels from the Philippine and Chinese militaries and coast guard when conducting resupply mission in Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal, among others.

On May 7, Rear Admiral Torres Jr. was appointed as acting commander of Wescom, and later installed as the official head of the unit in what was described by the AFP as an “administra­tive decision.”

Carlos, on the other hand, went off the radar until he finally broke his silence in a Senate hearing on

Wednesday, May 22, where he denied forging a deal with China, through one of its military diplomats in the country.

Teodoro takes swipe at China’s new trespass rule

During Philippine Navy’s anniversar­y celebratio­n, Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. did not mince words about China’s new regulation in the South China Sea which empowers its coast guard to arrest “trespasser­s” in maritime areas it claims as its own.

He said such rule was “roguish” and an “irresponsi­ble threat” on the part of Beijing.

“We live in a world of disinforma­tion and malign informatio­n. Is this a provocatio­n? No. I believe what a provocatio­n is is the roguish and irresponsi­ble threat to detain quote, unquote trespasser­s in what is claimed as internal waters but is actually part of the high seas and part of the West Philippine Sea by our country,” he said in a rousing speech.

“This, we cannot allow to continue,” he added.

According to reports which surfaced last week, China has allowed its coast guard to detain foreign nationals who illegally enter the areas they claim in the South China Sea from 30 to 60 days even without a trial. It will reportedly take effect in June.

The new measure was announced after civil society group “Atin Ito” trooped to Bajo de Masinloc (Scarboroug­h Shoal or Panatag Shoal) to establish civilian presence there, install floating markers, and distribute supplies and fuel to Filipino fishermen who lost their livelihood due to China’s persistent blockade operations.

Teodoro said such rule was a violation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the United Nations Charter which lay upon each member-state to refrain from using threat, force or aggression to enforce what the defense chief regarded as “illegal territoria­l claims” in the maritime domain.

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