Manila Bulletin

Sharing the gift of leadership and other gifts of Christmas

- Email: finding.lina@ ATTY. JOEY LINA FORMER SENATOR

Despite the raging pandemic that has unleashed so much human suffering, Christmas is deemed a joyous time for Christians and non-Christians alike as an abundance of love, kindness, and generosity binds humanity.

Now is the time when rejoicing in the birth of Jesus ought to overshadow all the hardships that have plagued 2020 because the message of Christmas, as the Gospel proclaims, is a message of joy.

The very first Christmas more than 2,000 years ago “was an announceme­nt of joy,” Pope Francis said. “Christmas is joy, religious joy… an inner joy of light and peace. “That God in all His power and glory became man should be a tremendous source of joy. “This is why Christmas gives us so much joy. We don’t feel alone anymore; God has come down to be with us. Jesus became one of us and suffered the worst death for us,” the Pontiff said.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16),” the Holy Bible says.

Such message of profound joy in the birth of our Messiah can indeed be mesmerizin­g for devout Christians who believe salvation through Jesus is a reality. As Pope Francis explained, “God is greater than our sinfulness; He loves us at all times and that we were made for eternal life.”

But how can one have eternal life? Jesus himself gave the answer: “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandmen­t. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself ,’”( Matthew 22:37-39)”

Thus, on the two greatest commandmen­ts lie the key to salvation. To truly love God and our neighbor as ourselves, we need to utilize our time, talent and treasure to serve others. Let’s not forget that time, talent and treasures are God-given gifts that are meant to be shared.

Christmas is an opportune time for sharing. We could share time, talent and treasures with an individual in need, or with groups, a community, or the entire nation. The goal of sharing ought to be towards the unceasing work of bringing about God’s Kingdom in this world, just as we aspire whenever we pray to God in the words Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer.

Obeying the basic teachings of Jesus for those who follow Him to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and do other corporal acts of mercy, certainly brings us closer to His Kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven.”

Of course, mankind alone cannot bring forth God’s Kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven.” Thus, here lies the joy of Christmas – Jesus as our Messiah has come to save us and be with us. As Pope Francis said: “This true joy remains even amid trial, even amid suffering, for it is not a superficia­l joy because it permeates the depths of the person who entrusts himself to the Lord and confides in Him.”

Indeed, Christmas can be viewed as a gift from God and, in the words of the Pope, a “call from God who gives us this gift” with a question: “Do we want to receive Him or do we prefer other gifts?”

“He waits for us; he never tires of waiting for us. He gives us the gift and then waits for us. This happens in the life of each and every one of us. There are those who ignore him.

But God is patient and the peace and serenity of Christmas Eve is a reflection of God’s patience toward us,” Pope Francis explained in 2013.

Besides time, talent and treasure, each person has a God-given gift which is to be shared. Everyone, whether rich or poor, can share their blessings and give to others. St. John Paul II once said: “Nobody is so poor he has nothing to give, and nobody is so rich he has nothing to receive.”

And among the God-given gifts which ought to benefit others is the gift of leadership which is very important as we aspire to bring forth God’s Kingdom on earth. A selfless and competent leader who genuinely has the country’s interests at heart, whose quality of leadership is beyond reproach, certainly inspires cooperatio­n and support of all sectors of society in the quest for excellence.

It is in times of severe crisis such as what the world is experienci­ng now that great leaders emerge and give people much-needed hope. And with so much hope can we experience the greatest joy of Christmas – which comes from knowing Jesus has come to save us and be with us through all our current difficulti­es. Merry Christmas!

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