Manila Bulletin

ICAO manual a must


THE Internatio­nal Civil Aviation Organizati­on (ICAO) was organized in 1944 to manage an ever-growing fleet of aircraft worldwide.

A specialize­d agency of the United Nations, the ICAO laid the rules, principles, and techniques of commercial aviation and promotes the developmen­t of mass air transport.

ICAO ‘s paramount concern is safety. It wants to make sure that commercial air travel is safe and the lives of passengers are not put at risk.

This UN body has compiled a list of uncounted numbers of airplane accidents. The lessons gathered from these disasters are studied and their findings are printed and distribute­d to ICAO member countries.

ICAO manual becomes their bible before, during, and after an accident, so that mishaps are avoided or never repeated.

ICAO also helps people running an airline company or an airport complex so that when they encounter accidents on their own turf, they know how to speedily address the issue at hand.

Aviation is the most regulated industry in the world. That is why air travel remains the safest compared to traveling by ship, car, or train.

The ICAO has prepared detailed studies of how to resolve a problem if an airplane crashed on the runway or in the vicinity. It suggests what kind of other equipment to use removing a disabled aircraft, and where to avail of the proper equipment. A telescopic crane would be too expensive for an airport to buy and is seldom used.

The ICAO’s directive is to train a group of airport personnel on how to handle a disabled aircraft recovery equipment. These gear are complicate­d and need highly trained people to deploy.

The ICAO manual also suggests that when an airport’s own equipment is unsuitable, it has to rent a recovery equipment like a crane. Small cranes for small planes and big ones for big airplanes.

These crane companies are determined way in advance through a sort of agreement so that the recovery efforts take as little time as possible.

It is the trained airport experts and not the crane company that determines what equipment to use in the recovery efforts.

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