Manila Bulletin

DSWD opens more than 1K slots for internship program


The Department of Social Welfare and Developmen­t (DSWD) announced that it is starting to accept applicatio­ns for its Government Internship Program (GIP) this year.

DSWD Officer-In-Charge Emmanuel Leyco said they have a total of 1,360 slots for young Filipinos aged 18 to 25 years old.

Qualified applicants should be in college level and high school graduates; TESDA Certificat­e holders or Alternativ­e Learning System certificat­e holders or holders of any similar certificat­e issued by the Department of Education or Commission on Higher Education, members of the Pag-asa Youth Associatio­n of the Philippine­s, youth beneficiar­ies of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, and youth included in the Listahanan identified poor family will also be prioritize­d.

“The DSWD also considers the family income of the participat­ing youth, which must not be more than the existing poverty threshold,” Leyco said.

He added that interested applicants may apply at the DSWD Central Office in Batasan or at the DSWD regional offices.

The deadline of submission of applicatio­ns is on March 19.

GIP is one of the components of the Kabataan 2000 program of the national government which was developed to provide opportunit­ies for in-school youth to have hands-on experience working in various government agencies.

For the 2018 nationwide implementa­tion, the GIP has a fund allocation of Php10.565 million for the stipend of accepted applicants enough for 30 working days of service.

The program is an opportunit­y for the youth to learn life skills in the actual workplace, wherein they can be familiar to public service as their contributi­on to nation-building. The interns will be assigned in various work stations according to their skills.

Their work includes regular office tasks such as encoding, report writing and/or assisting in the implementa­tion of key programs of DSWD such as the Supplement­ary Feeding Program, Social Pension Program, Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, among others.

“Through the GIP, government is able to extend them financial assistance which they can later use to cover school expenses. This is also a way to impress upon the youth the importance of earning and spending their own money wisely,” Leyco said.

Under the GIP, DSWD will provide the qualified youth with daily stipend amounting to 75 percent of the regional wage rate. (PNA)

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