Manila Bulletin

US warns North Korea

Trump: Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has ‘gotta behave’


TOKYO (AFP) – United States (US) President Donald Trump warned North Korea to “gotta behave” but a defiant Pyongyang threatened to launch missile tests “every week.”

Asked by a reporter what message he had for North Korea’s young leader Kim Jong-Un on Monday, Trump replied, “Gotta behave.”

While Trump warned North Korea, US Vice President Mike Pence reiterated his country’s commitment to the security of Japan on Tuesday.

The North, which is intent on developing a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile capable of reaching the mainland US, defied internatio­nal pressure Sunday with a test that failed immediatel­y after launch.

As fears grow that it may also be preparing for its sixth nuclear weapons test, Vice Foreign Minister Han SongRyol said that its program would only escalate.

“We’ll be conducting more missile tests on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis,” Han told the BBC in an

interview, threatenin­g “all-out war” if the US took any action against it.

Arriving in Tokyo for talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Pence hailed the two countries’ longstandi­ng security ties.

“The alliance between the United States and Japan is the cornerston­e of peace and security in Northeast Asia,” he told Abe.

Japan seeks peaceful solution

The Japanese leader called for a peaceful resolution to the North Korea tensions but did not rule out the need for tough measures.

“It is a matter of paramount importance for us to seek diplomatic efforts as well as peaceable settlement­s of the issue,” he said.

In South Korea on the first leg of an Asian tour, Pence visited the heavily fortified Demilitari­zed Zone separating the two Koreas Monday and warned Pyongyang against further provocatio­ns, saying “all options are on the table.”

North Korea could react to a potential US strike by targeting South Korea or Japan, and officials in both countries have been ill at ease with the more bellicose language deployed by President Donald Trump’s administra­tion.

Pence pointed to Trump’s recent strikes on a Syrian airbase and an Islamic State complex in Afghanista­n as a warning to Pyongyang not to underestim­ate the administra­tion’s resolve.

Throughout his bareknuckl­e election campaign, Trump repeatedly called into question a mutual defence treaty between Japan and the United States, suggesting Tokyo should pay for its own security.

But now, Pence will try to reassure his jittery hosts that those decades-old security commitment­s are ironclad, a necessity made more acute after Washington’s refusal to rule out military action against the regime.

Tensions between Pyongyang and Washington have soared in recent weeks as a series of North Korean missile tests have prompted evermore severe warnings from Trump’s administra­tion.

‘Toughest counteract­ion’

North Korea’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations reiterated on the weekend that the North is ready to respond to any US missile or nuclear strike.

“If the United States dares opt for a military action... the DPRK is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the Americans,” Kim told a news conference, using the abbreviati­on of the country’s official name.

“We will take the toughest counteract­ion against the provocateu­rs.”

Like South Korea, Japan already faces a direct threat from the secretive regime.

In early March, the North simultaneo­usly fired four ballistic missiles off its east coast, three of which fell provocativ­ely close to Japan, in what it said was a drill for an attack on US bases in the country.

The Pentagon has not discussed which missile blew up after its launch Sunday from a base near Sinpo on the North’s east coast, and the White House has said only that it was a medium-range device.

But John Schilling from the 38 North monitoring group said the failure was indicative of the test of a new and hitherto unknown system being developed by Kim Jong-Un’s regime.

“That’s a common failure mode for North Korean missiles very early on in their developmen­t cycle when they are working out the bugs in the propulsion and guidance system,” the weapons expert told AFP.

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