Manila Bulletin

North Korea has restarted plutonium reactor


WASHINGTON (AFP) — North Korea has restarted a plutonium reactor that could fuel a nuclear bomb and is seeking missile technology that could threaten the United States, Washington’s top spy said Tuesday.

In an annual threat assessment, Director of National Intelligen­ce James Clapper and senior military and intelligen­ce officials singled out the authoritar­ian pariah state as a major and unpredicta­ble menace.

Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart, the director of the Defense Intelligen­ce Agency, joined Clapper to brief the Senate Armed Services Committee on the global dangers faced by US planners. “North Korea’s nuclear weapons program and evolving missile programs are a continuing threat,’’ he said.

Clapper said the Kim Jong- un’s secretive Pyongyang regime continues to develop cyber-espionage and cyberattac­k capabiliti­es, and has sold illegal weapons technology to other states.

Last month, the regime tested what it said was a “hydrogen bomb,’’ but – according to Clapper – US intelligen­ce believes “the yield was too low for it to have been successful test of a staged thermonucl­ear device.’’

It was the north’s fourth nuclear test, and an apparent bid to expand its arsenal with a more destructiv­e thermonucl­ear device.

Despite this apparent failure, North Korea has pressed on with its ballistic missile program and on Saturday launched a rocket into space, a move which Washington and Tokyo said was a banned weapons test.

“Pyongyang continues to produce fissile material and develop a submarine launched ballistic missile,’’ Clapper told the lawmakers.

“It is also committed to developing a long-range nuclear-armed missile that’s capable of posing a direct threat to the United States, although the system has not been flight tested.’’

Perhaps most worrying for the Americans, however, is North Korea’s resumption of plutonium production – a sign it remains bent on producing a more powerful bomb despite internatio­nal economic sanctions.

“We further assess that North Korea has been operating the reactor long enough so that it could begin to recover plutonium from the reactor’s spent fuel within a matter of weeks to months,’’ Clapper said.

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