Manila Bulletin

Salud steps down as PBA president


Former PBA Commission­er Chito Salud is stepping down as the league’s first president and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) after tendering his resignatio­n yesterday.

His resignatio­n will take effect at the end of the year.

In a text message sent out to media outlets, the 53-year-old Salud said in a statement that the league’s “organizati­onal structure” is already in place, which the board has envisioned.

“I have formally and respectful­ly signified my intention to step down as President/CEO of the PBA effective at the end of Dec 2015,” said Salud, son of the late PBA chief Rudy Salud who took over as the eighth commission­er of the PBA back in 2010.

“The organizati­onal structure of PBA as we have envisaged is already in place,” added Salud.

Aside from that, Salud said that the “handover to the new Commission­er has been smoothly executed” referring to Chito Narvasa, whom the board approved late last season as his successor.

Salud also expressed confidence that the league will continue its improvemen­t particular­ly with San Miguel Beer’s Robert Non serving a chairman – the second time he has handled the position.

“The Board under Chairman Non's leadership continues to be as it is – a source of strength, stability and continuity as the PBA charts its way forward,” he said. “It is for these reasons that I believe the time is right for me to move on, confident as I am that I have already made my modest contributi­ons to the critical transition into this current PBA season,” he added.

For the first time since it was formed back in 1975, the PBA restructur­ed its look with a more corporate style by forming a President/CEO position for Salud to take care of the league’s business side while Narvasa will handle all game related activities.

Salud first stepped down as Commission­er in February of this year, but the following month the PBA board – then chaired by Pato Gregorio of Talk ’N Text – decided to restructur­e the PBA that paved the way for the creation of President/CEO position.

The Bulletin tried to contact Non, but he is not available for comment.

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