Manila Bulletin

Feast of the beheading of Saint John the Baptist


TODAY is the feast of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist. The death of John the Baptist is narrated in the synoptic Gospels and it is Mark and Matthew who narrate the event with the greatest detail.

In the gospel of Mark, John the Baptist was arrested and imprisoned on the order of King Herod Antipas because John had been openly criticizin­g Herod for taking his sister-inlaw as his own wife. Herod was afraid that John’s preaching would start a revolt against him so he ordered his arrest but did not intend to kill him because he knew John was a righteous and innocent man. Herod’s wife, Herodias however, wanted to have John killed. The opportunit­y for her to get rid of John came when her daughter Salome’s dancing so pleased Herod Antipas that he told her he would grant anything she desired. Herodias prompted her daughter to ask for the head of John the Baptist.

As a prophet, the herald that paved the way for the coming of Christ Jesus, John the Baptist called on the people of his time to reject their wicked ways and make straight the path of the Lord. Prophets are often not listened to. Worse, they are put to shame and even death when those in authority are threatened.

Today, we are also called to be like John the Baptist in our witnessing to the gospel values. Through our witnessing, perhaps, we might be placed in a very uncomforta­ble position and may even be put to shame. What we would utter might not be pleasing to others. But let us stand by the gospel principles like John the Baptist. Jesus Christ suffered the same fate. But Jesus conquered even death. Life everlastin­g awaits those who have been faithful to the Lord. May Saint John the Baptist inspire us to be faithful to God until the very end.

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