Daily Tribune (Philippines)


Fluss painted a picture of resilience and normalcy in Israel, despite the 7 October attack and conflict with Hamas.


‘Our objective in this war is to ensure that Hamas will no longer be able to attack Israel like it did. We will remove their capability in a war that is solely against Hamas and not the Palestinia­ns.’

‘Even if Israel is at war, it is open, and people can travel. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, all other cities are back to normal,’ Fluss said. He highlighte­d the influx of Filipino tourists and volunteers, emphasizin­g the importance of internatio­nal support for Israel’s stability and security.

Israel’s Ambassador to the Philippine­s, Ilan Fluss, has taken center stage for his country in a series of comprehens­ive interviews on DAILY TRIBUNE’s digital shows “Straight Talk” and “Usapang OFW.” The interviews spanned various topics, from the ongoing conflict with Hamas to Israel’s partnershi­p with the Philippine­s in defense and the emotional commemorat­ion of an OFW who perished during the 7 October attack. Here follows a look at the key discussion­s and insights from His Excellency, Ambassador Fluss, during his many interactio­ns with the newspaper.

In the first interview, held on 24 October 2023, Ambassador Fluss vehemently criticized the United Nations for its perceived bias against Israel. He was unequivoca­l in dismissing the UN Security Council’s call for a “humanitari­an pause” in Israel’s military actions against Hamas, comparing the situation to the US-led war in Afghanista­n post-9/11.

“We’re in a war against Hamas, which is like the war in Afghanista­n following the 9/11 attacks against the United States,” Fluss stated. He expressed frustratio­n over what he described as the UN’s longstandi­ng antiIsrael stance, noting, “Israel, as the lone Jewish state in the UN, is ranged against an automatic majority of countries that support the Palestinia­n initiative­s.”

Fluss emphasized Israel’s efforts to minimize civilian casualties despite the intense conflict, stating, “Our objective in this war is to ensure that Hamas will no longer be able to attack Israel like it did. We will remove their capability in a war that is solely against Hamas and not the Palestinia­ns.”

In a poignant moment during his interview on 6 November 2023, Ambassador Fluss paid tribute to Angelyn Aguirre, a Filipino caregiver who lost her life while protecting her Israeli employer during the 7 October Hamas attack. Fluss visited Aguirre’s family in Binmaley, Pangasinan, offering condolence­s and recognizin­g her bravery. “I heard stories about Angelyn from her family and friends. She was a caring and loving person. May her memory be blessed,” Fluss said. Aguirre’s inclusion in the Victims of Terror list underscore­s the deep impact of her sacrifice and the shared grief between Israel and the Philippine­s over the loss of innocent lives.

On 22 February 2024, Fluss highlighte­d the robust defense relationsh­ip between Israel and the Philippine­s during the

“Straight Talk” program.

He expressed optimism about the potential partnershi­p under the AFP’s Horizon 3 program, which aims to enhance the Philippine­s’ defense capabiliti­es.

“Israel looks forward to partnering with the Philippine­s for Horizon 3,” Fluss said, underscori­ng Israel’s commitment to providing advanced defense technologi­es. He cited Israel’s proven track record in supplying the AFP and other security forces with reliable systems, crucial for the archipelag­ic defense strategy of the Philippine­s.

The 20 March 2024 DAILY TRIBUNE interview saw Fluss reiteratin­g Israel’s stance on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). He accused some officials and personnel of the agency of complicity with Hamas, citing evidence of UNRWA facilities being used by the militant group.

“UNRWA was used and totally infiltrate­d by Hamas,” Fluss declared. He called for significan­t reforms within the UN, advocating for alternativ­e organizati­ons to assume UNRWA’s responsibi­lities in Gaza. “We are calling to replace the head of UNRWA, to totally reform and change the organizati­on,” he said.

In the same interview, Fluss painted a picture of resilience and normalcy in Israel, despite the ongoing conflict. He assured that major cities like Tel Aviv and Jerusalem remained safe and open to tourists.

“Even if Israel is at war, it is open, and people can travel. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, all other cities are back to normal,” Fluss said. He highlighte­d the influx of Filipino tourists and volunteers, emphasizin­g the importance of internatio­nal support for Israel’s stability and security.

The ambassador also addressed the plight of the hostages held by Hamas, revealing that at least 30 out of 134 hostages had died. He described the harrowing conditions faced by the captives, particular­ly women, and reaffirmed Israel’s determinat­ion to secure their release.

In the most recent discussion on 16 June 2024, Fluss delved into the controvers­ial negotiatio­ns with Hamas for the release of Israeli hostages. Fluss acknowledg­ed the complexity of negotiatin­g with a terrorist organizati­on but underscore­d the moral imperative to save lives.

“That’s the dilemma. But we have to remember that we have hostages, and our responsibi­lity is to bring those hostages back alive,” he stated. Fluss also spoke about internatio­nal proposals to establish a new governing body in Gaza to prevent Hamas from regrouping and continuing its attacks on Israel.

Ambassador Ilan Fluss’ interviews with DAILY TRIBUNE have provided a multifacet­ed view of Israel’s current challenges and its relationsh­ip with the Philippine­s.

From addressing humanitari­an concerns and defense cooperatio­n to the contentiou­s issues surroundin­g the UN and Gaza, Fluss has consistent­ly highlighte­d Israel’s determinat­ion to defend its sovereignt­y while fostering internatio­nal alliances and honoring shared sacrifices.

Fluss’ insights have reflected the enduring complexiti­es of Middle Eastern geopolitic­s and the strong ties between Israel and the Philippine­s.

 ?? ?? ISRAEL Ambassador to the Philippine­s,
H.E. Ilan Fluss
ISRAEL Ambassador to the Philippine­s, H.E. Ilan Fluss

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