Daily Tribune (Philippines)

PBBM commits support for disabled people


Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabiliti­es (UNCRPD).

This as Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin signed Proclamati­on No. 597 on behalf of Marcos on 13 June declaring 17 to 23 July every year “National Disability Rights Week.” The proclamati­on was released only on Wednesday.

In the proclamati­on, Marcos said the Philippine­s promised to support, safeguard, and make sure that all disabled people can fully and equally enjoy all human rights and basic freedoms, as well as to encourage respect for their inherent dignity.

Through the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA), Marcos told the Department of Social Welfare and Developmen­t to lead, organize, and watch the week-long celebratio­n. The NCDA’s job is to come up with the celebratio­n’s programs, events and projects.

Marcos urged government department­s, agencies, state universiti­es, colleges, and government-owned or controlled companies to observe the celebratio­n. He also encouraged local government­s, non-government­al groups, and the private sector to join in the commemorat­ion.

Marcos said that Proclamati­ons No. 1870 and 361 should be amended to be in line with the UNCPRD’s goals and to support a rights-based approach during National Disability Rights Week.

In 1979, Proclamati­on No. 1870 designated the third week of July as National Disability Prevention and Rehabilita­tion Week. In 2000, Proclamati­on No. 361 designated 23 July as the last day of NDPR Week in honor the birth of the Sublime Paralytic, Apolinario Mabini.

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