Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Seven signs of China’s ‘conversion’


In “taming” the giant, we have to be gentle but strong, benevolent but belligeren­t all at once. Can we persuade China that cooperatio­n is better than domination? How do we make China have a change of heart? Is it quixotic or doable?

“Conversion” does not mean to Christiani­ty. Conversion means 1) a stop to the ongoing massacre of Christians inside China; 2) a stop to the ongoing assassinat­ion of the “Undergroun­d Church” in China, a splinter from the Vatican-recognized Church, which has open communicat­ions with China; 3) a stop to the military harassment and food blockade of Philippine vessels in the West Philippine Sea (WPS); 4) a stop to the ongoing “invasion” of the Philippine­s, which was prophesied by Our Lady Mediatrix of All Grace.

All of these issues are presently non-negotiable to China. Filipinos have two options: 1) to fight a losing battle against Goliath; 2) to launch an intense prayer campaign to ask Our Lady Mediatrix to intervene. What geopolitic­s and sophistica­ted weapons cannot do to achieve peace through war, the Virgin can — if Filipinos pray hard.

St. John Paul II’s Ecclesia in Asia cites three phases in global evangeliza­tion: the First Millennium (31 AD, Christ’s death, to 1000 AD) devoted to the Old World; the Second Millennium (1001 to 2000 AD) devoted to the New World; and the Third Millennium (2001 to 3000 AD) devoted to Asia. Here are the seven signs the Lord wants the conversion of China under today’s Third Millennium thrust.

First sign: Prophecy of China’s invasion.

Former Lipa Archbishop Cardinal Vidal announced to all Philippine bishops the message of Our Lady Mediatrix to visionary Sister Teresing

“The conversion of China revolves around the Marian Triangle of three powerful forces: Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady Mediatrix, and Pope Francis, who are shown on a Mediatrix rose petal.

“The Fatima miracle of the sun in 1917 was duplicated in Matalam, North Cotabato, Philippine­s at the shrine to Our Lady Mediatrix there exactly to the hour and day of the Fatima centennial anniversar­y in 2017.

on 17 October 1949 (33rd anniversar­y of Fatima): “Pray hard, for China’s dream is to invade the whole world. The Philippine­s is one of its favorites.” (Inquirer 13 July 2014)

Second sign: Fatima replicated in Lipa.

The Mediatrix, the key to China’s conversion, is the “New Fatima.” The Fatima miracle of the sun in 1917 was duplicated in Matalam, North Cotabato, Philippine­s at the shrine to Our

Lady Mediatrix there exactly to the hour and day of the Fatima centennial anniversar­y in 2017. Earlier, in 1947, the first Mediatrix miracle occurred at the Carmelite Convent in Lipa City where hundreds of rose petals bearing religious images fell from the sky, witnessed by thousands.

This went viral and drew hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to Lipa.

Third sign: Miracles of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Grace in the Philippine­s.

Here are three Mediatrix miracles that preview the conversion of China –https:// eastwindjo­urnals.com/2022/11/16/threemedia­trix-miracles/

Fourth sign: Satan’s campaign against Mediatrix devotion is failing.

Satan wants to destroy the Mediatrix devotion because it is the key to the conversion of China and Asia, as mentioned by St. Pope John II. Satan is spreading through his agents within the Church the false notion that the Mediatrix devotion is a hoax.

Satan’s agents destroyed Mediatrix statues, the miraculous rose-scented petals (remnants exist secretly today), the first diary of visionary Sr. Teresing (the second diary is available on the internet). But Satan is failing miserably as the Mediatrix devotion continues to spread across the Philippine­s based on Mediatrix miracles shown in the Third Sign.

Fifth sign: Our Lady’s foothold in Nanjing, China.

By “accident,” the Virgin Mediatrix gained a foothold in China. Banker George Ty was asked by China to develop two villages in Nanjing. China acceded to Ty’s request to build a Catholic church there. Ty asked his architect, Joey Amistoso, a Mediatrix devotee, to design the church interior. Amistoso placed a life-size statue of Our Lady Mediatrix there.

Sixth sign: The Marian Triangle: Fatima-Mediatrix-Pope Francis.

The conversion of China revolves around the Marian Triangle of three powerful forces: Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady Mediatrix, and Pope Francis, who are shown on a Mediatrix rose petal.

Also, Our Lady of Fatima with the three children is shown on another Mediatrix rose petal, confirming the triangular link. Pope Francis has a key role in the conversion of China through the Third Millennium.

Seventh sign: Tears of Blood.

A witness saw tears of blood on the Mediatrix statue in Lipa on the day Fatima visionary Lucia was dying. (Source: Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace, by Rene C. de Jesus)

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