Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Senate okays use of tariffs for aid


The Senate Committee on Agricultur­e approved a joint resolution seeking the use of the extra collection of the Bureau of Customs (BoC) from the Rice Tarifficat­ion Law (RTC) for rice farmers’ cash assistance.

With strong support from the Department of Agricultur­e (DA), the panel approved Senate Joint Resolution 12 under 30 minutes.

The resolution authorizes the implementa­tion of RTL’s provisions which state that the excess amount from the P10-billion annual tariff revenues collected by the BoC from rice importatio­n will be distribute­d as cash assistance to the farmers.

From January to September 2020, the BoC reported P13.682 billion despite lower rice importatio­ns in the same period last year, Senate Agricultur­e Committee Chair Cynthia Villar informed the panel.

Once the resolution is approved, the excess collection­s will be transferre­d to the DA for Rice Farmer Financial Assistance and this will be directly distribute­d to farmers with one hectare and below based on the list in the Registry System for Basic Sector.

Senators urged the DA to distribute cash aids by December before the Christmas season.

During the panel hearing, senators also urged the DA officials to limit the issuance of importatio­n permits from the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) as the price of palay dips.

Why import?

“Why do we need to import while we have a huge supply of rice. That is my question to BPI .... Control BPI from farming out import permits while the price of palay had weakened,” Villar told DA Secretary William Dar.

Her sentiment was backed by Senator Imee Marcos.

For his part, Dar said the BPI has already halted the issuance of importatio­n permits.

Currently, the dry and clean palay with 14 percent moisture content’s gate price is at P19 pesos, Dar told the panel.

As the Philippine­s experience­s wet season, Dar said the wet palay price is at P14 to 15 due to the lack of post-harvest facilities.

Villar urged the DA officials to provide post-harvest facilities and drying equipment to increase the price of locally-produced palay.

Furthermor­e, Senator Kiko Pangilinan manifested the factor of technical smuggling in the low price of dry palay.

Prosecute smugglers

This was not refuted by the DA secretary saying he has no idea how to address this problem.

Pangilinan pointed out that one of the reasons behind rice smuggling is the low landed cost of rice in the country.

According to Dar, the landed cost of rice from Thailand and Vietnam is at P20.

In Senate’s hearing on DA’s proposed 2021 budget, senators pointed out that until now there are no big-time smugglers whether for rice, corn, or poultry that are being prosecuted.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH BY ANALY LABOR FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE@tribunephl_ana ?? Market as usual Supply of meat in the wet market is abundant but prices are higher as a result of the double impact from the African Swine Fever and the fast approachin­g Holiday season. The current health crisis has a muted effect on the food business.
PHOTOGRAPH BY ANALY LABOR FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE@tribunephl_ana Market as usual Supply of meat in the wet market is abundant but prices are higher as a result of the double impact from the African Swine Fever and the fast approachin­g Holiday season. The current health crisis has a muted effect on the food business.

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