Daily Tribune (Philippines)

6 PCOO personnel infected


The number of Presidenti­al Communicat­ions Operations Office (PCOO) personnel infected by COVID-19 has increased to 10 as of Saturday, according to Secretary Martin Andanar.

At the same time, Andanar reported that he tested negative of the virus following a test he took last Thursday, 23 July.

“However, I regret to confirm that, as of 6 a.m. today, a total of 10 of our personnel in the main office tested positive. We are relaying our hopes and prayers for their speedy recovery from the virus,” he added.

Andanar assured the family of those who have been infected by COVID-19, as well as the general public, that the PCOO is doing all the health and medical protocols prescribed by the government, especially the intensifie­d contact tracing and testing, as part of its diligence to prevent further transmissi­ons among those who have been in contact with them.

“We are also fulfilling any assistance and support we can provide to our personnel and their families on the matter,” he added.

As office disinfecti­on will continue to be carried out at the New Executive Building (NEB), Andanar said they are extending the physical work suspension until further notice in order to ensure their personnel’s safety against the virus.

We are relaying our hopes and prayers for their speedy recovery from the virus.

“Rest assured that the delivery of essential and timely informatio­n to the Filipino public will remain unhampered and unchanged as we have adopted a work-from-home arrangemen­t. All programs and briefings done at NEB will be undertaken remotely and/or virtually,” he said.

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