Daily Tribune (Philippines)

SoNA outlines roadmap to recovery

Nograles revealed that the President is scheduled to undergo a swab test today

- BY ELMER N. MANUEL @tribunephl_lmer

Malacañang on Saturday said President Duterte’s fifth State of the Nation Address (SoNA) is expected to outline further plans on economic response and recovery, an issue similarly echoed by experts and lawmakers in the wake of the ongoing coronaviru­s pandemic.

Presidenti­al Communicat­ions Operations Office Secretary Martin Andanar said on Friday

that the President’s speech will highlight policies and pronouncem­ents that are much needed at this time, especially in balancing the health sector preparedne­ss and opening more economic activities.

The conducted three-part pre-SoNA forum, he noted, has already comprehens­ively discussed the accomplish­ments and future steps of every Cabinet cluster, which has helped in preparing a shortened version of the SoNA speech.

“In his State of the Nation Address, the President will include what is important and what the people want to know,” he said during a radio interview.

Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles revealed that the President is scheduled to undergo a swab test today contradict­ing the earlier statement of presidenti­al spokesman Harry Roque that Duterte will take the RT-PCR test.

The Cabinet Secretary also disclosed that all the attendees at the SoNA will likewise undergo swab testing as the President will physically deliver his address before a joint session of Congress at the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City on Monday afternoon.

As this developed, political scientist Julio Teehankee shared the view that President Duterte should focus on reviving the economy and strengthen­ing public health policies in the last two years of his administra­tion.

Life, livelihood

Teehankee suggested that the government should concentrat­e its attention and resources on life and livelihood, stressing that there should still be livelihood for people to carry on with their lives post-pandemic.

The President has been criticized for his handling of the coronaviru­s outbreak even as doctors and professors from the University of the Philippine­s (UP) gave the administra­tion a failing mark in its response to the coronaviru­s pandemic.

The President’s speech will highlight policies and pronouncem­ents that are much needed at this time, especially in balancing the health sector preparedne­ss and opening more economic activities.

Duterte was earlier also slammed for his jokes regarding the coronaviru­s crisis and was urged to be “more serious” in his remarks that may affect public health.

Business groups meanwhile called on the President to outline in his upcoming SoNA his “clear” economic strategies to hasten recovery, as many small firms fight to survive the coronaviru­s pandemic.

The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Employers Confederat­ion of the Philippine­s and Philippine Exporters Confederat­ion Inc. appealed to Duterte in a letter.

“While we agree that health-related programs and policies should be prioritize­d in the context of this crisis, we likewise believe in balancing this objective with setting the economic stage towards recovery and progress,” the three groups said.

“There had been many delays already in pushing for these reforms as government and private sector got sidetracke­d by disasters and hazards at the beginning of the year,” it added.

New normal

Meanwhile, Senator Sonny Angara is looking forward to hearing the administra­tion’s plans for all the sectors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the SoNA.

With no end in sight with regard to the pandemic, Angara said it would be interestin­g to hear the government’s roadmap for the rest of the year and the year ahead.

“As we open up from various stages of quarantine, I would like to hear more on the new normal or next normal in terms of our children’s education since we have over 20 million of our children in schools,” Angara said.

The Department of Education has set the opening of classes on 24 August 24 with a mix of face-to-face and distance learning.

There will be limited face-to-face classes in areas deemed as low-risk for COVID-19 and in schools that are able to meet the minimum health standards.

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