Daily Tribune (Philippines)

DoE green energy consultati­on

I am confident that the GEOP will give rise to a reliable market for RE generation and enhance competitio­n among RE and other power suppliers


The Department of Energy (DoE), through its Renewable Energy Management Bureau (REMB) on Thursday conducted the third leg of public consultati­ons on the draft department circular (DC) that would guide end-users, RE suppliers and network service providers in facilitati­ng the option taken to choose RE resources to supply their energy needs.

Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi said, “The DoE is committed to establish an energy-secure future and bolstering our country’s RE resources is one avenue to achieve this. I am confident that the GEOP will give rise to a reliable market for RE generation and enhance competitio­n among RE and other power suppliers.”

The draft circular providing the “Guidelines Governing the Issuance of Operating Permits to Renewable Energy Suppliers under the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP)”, serves as a follow through to the implementa­tion of DoE Circular No. 2018-07-0019 entitled “Promulgati­ng the Rules and Guidelines Governing the Establishm­ent of the Green Energy Option Program Pursuant to the Renewable Energy Act of 2008”.

The public consultati­on focused on the guidelines and procedures in the issuance, administra­tion and revocation of Operating Permits to RE suppliers.

REMB Director Mylene Capongcol and the recently appointed Chairperso­n of the National Renewable Energy Board Monalisa Dimalanta headed the discussion­s which covered relevant sections such as RE supplier qualificat­ions, applicatio­n requiremen­ts, processing and approval procedures, and the revocation or cancellati­on of operating permits.

On the other hand, Andresito Ulgado, Division Chief of the Hydro and Ocean Energy Management Division presented the GEOP Supply Agreement, which will guide parties interested to avail the GEOP.

 ??  ?? POWER TO CHOOSE GREEN: Participan­ts are all smiles during the photo-op on the Public Consultati­on on draft Department Circular, “Guidelines Governing the Issuance of Operating Permits to RE Suppliers under Green Energy Option Program,” held yesterday (11 July) at Batangas City. The event aims to discuss the process and requiremen­ts for the applicatio­n and issuance of various RE permits.
POWER TO CHOOSE GREEN: Participan­ts are all smiles during the photo-op on the Public Consultati­on on draft Department Circular, “Guidelines Governing the Issuance of Operating Permits to RE Suppliers under Green Energy Option Program,” held yesterday (11 July) at Batangas City. The event aims to discuss the process and requiremen­ts for the applicatio­n and issuance of various RE permits.

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