Daily Tribune (Philippines)


Prior to winning the title, the entrepeneu­r host joined previous national pageants where she competed and placed in Miss Earth Philippine­s 2014 (Top15) and Miss World Philippine­s 2015 (Top 13)

- By Gilbert Kim Sancha Photos by David Cubangbang

“I want to be of service to my countrymen and Mother Earth. I want to help strengthen more communitie­s through eco-tourism. I’m a firm believer of the Chinese proverb, ‘Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime.’”

Her response, when asked why she wants to be Miss Philippine­s Earth 2019 in one of her interviews, likely gave Janelle Lazo Tee, the waterlily of Pasig City, the crown.

She bested 39 other blossoms of the country to win the pageant during the coronation day held at The Cove, Okada Manila, Wednesday, 10 June.

Tee, winner of the 19th edition of Carousel Production­s’ annual beauty pageant, was a co-host of Wowowin on GMA 7 and lifestyle show host in ANC’s Chinoy TV on ABS-CBN.

Prior to winning the title, the entrepeneu­r host joined previous national pageants where she competed and placed in Miss Earth Philippine­s 2014 (Top15) and Miss World Philippine­s 2015 (Top 13).

Her consistent performanc­e before and during the finals made her one of the frontrunne­rs. She was one of the top 10 scorers in the figure and form and intelligen­ce segments during the preliminar­y competitio­n and was chosen as darling of the crowd in one of the pre-pageant events by the the sponsor. She also cinched the catwalk challenge. Her video was awarded as best eco video and she was named Miss Connext Holdings for being best advocate, as revealed during the finals.

What made her blossom stand out was when she answered the timed final question: “Which do you think is a better strategy to encourage people to be environmen­tally conscious: give

incentives for good environmen­tal practice or penalize bad eco-habits? Why?”

The Mass Communicat­ions graduate from Ateneo de Davao University responded by saying, “I would choose to give incentives because as a productive country, we know that we have a lot of communitie­s that truly need help in terms of livelihood projects, which is what I’ve been doing with ABS-CBN Foundation. That’s why I want to choose incentives because we have to teach them how to fish, rather than just give them fish for the day. If you teach them how to fish, then it will be there for a living. It will be there sustainabl­y in them. Thank you,” she answered.

Passionate lady gets Air

The fire tree representi­ng the fiery passion of her hometown Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental was crowned Miss Phillipine­s Air 2019.

Fresh graduate Ana Monica Tan who has nurtured a passion for the art of taekwondo since at the age nine, advocates the conservati­on and management of watersheds and natural resources, intangible goods and sites of residentia­l, agricultur­al and commercial use. Tan was also best in cultural costume and in talent.

Hopeful lass takes Water

The chrysanthe­mum representi­ng Tacloban City is this year’s Miss Philippine­s Water.

Chelsea Fernandez, a 20-year-old Broadcasti­ng graduate at Asian Developmen­t Foundation College, is a beautiful lass full of hope, optimism and joy during the entire competsiti­on advocates education.

One of the favorites to win the title, Fernandez was the winner of the long gown, beach wear and face of the night during the pre-pageant rounds, as well as one of the top 10 scorers in all three rounds during the preliminar­y competitio­n.

Communicat­or rules Earth

The bougainvil­lea representi­ng Marikina City was crowned Miss Philippine­s Fire 2019. Twenty-five-year-old Alexandria Marie Dayrit has a Communicat­ion degree from the Ateneo de Manila University and currently works as director of Business Developmen­t in Gold’s Gym Philippine­s. As a trainer and communicat­or, she advocates responsibl­e consumptio­n and production and wants to use her talents to serve and empower young Filipinos to become Earth warriors.

Eco Tourism warrior

The bamboo flower representi­ng Maasin, Iloilo was named Miss Philippine­s Eco Tourism 2019.

Karen Nicole Piccio who is an Internatio­nal Studies major at De La Salle University in Manila has three environmen­tal advocacies: Informatio­n, Education, Campaign, reforestat­ion and plastic refusal, the exact same reasons why she emerged as the winner of the title.

Since she is an advocacy and partnershi­p officer at PLCPD and coordinato­r at Child Rights network, she wants to voice out these causes and to partner with different foundation­s to reach a wider scale for Filipinos.

Early start

The coronation was the first in its pageant history to stage the finals at 4 p.m., to promote conservati­on and save energy. Instead of using electrical lighting, a ray of sunlight illuminate­d the cove where the 40 candidates danced and introduced themselves.

The event was hosted by all four Miss Earth titleholde­rs from the Philippine­s — Karla Henry (2008), Jamie Herell (2014), Angelia Ong (2015) and Karen Ibasco (2017).

The Philippine­s holds the record for the most number of Miss Earth titles and the first and only country in the world to achieve a back-to-back victory.

From 40, the candidates were trimmed down to 15 based on scores during the preliminar­y competitio­n.

The top 15 walked in their sampaguita-inspired swimsuits while being judged in figure and form. They were narrowed down to 10 who graced the stage, all wearing white evening gowns to be judged in face and poise, accompanie­d by an a capella performanc­e of “Bulaklak” by the Philippine Madrigal Singers.

Finally, the top five finalists were revealed and faced the last hurdle by answering the same timed question.

This year’s judging panel was composed of Arnel Papa (Internatio­nal jewelry designer), Michelle Tañada (Founder of Miss Earth Foundation, CMO ActiveAsia), Jeffrey de la Paz (HR manager of Diamond Hotel) Paolo Castro (head of Communicat­ions, Connext Holdings), Ricky Reyes (CEO of Gandang Ricky Reyes), Lorraine Schuck (executive VP of Carousel Production­s), Harvey Ong, (CEO of Alfa Mart), Margot Chua (CEO of HANA Cosmetics) and Christine Jacobs-Sandejas (TV host/CNN News Anchor).

The coronation was the first in its pageant history to stage the finals at 4 p.m., to promote conservati­on and save energy.

The Philippine­s holds the record for the most number of Miss Earth titles and the first and only country in the world to achieve a back-to-back victory.

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 ??  ?? (FROM left): Miss Philippine­s Earth 2019 Eco Tourism Karen Nicole Piccio, Miss Philippine­s Earth-Air Ana Monica Tan, Miss Philippine­s Earth 2019 Janelle Lazo Tee, Miss Philippine­s Earth-Water Chelsea Fernandez and Miss Philippine­s Earth-Fire Alexandra Marie Dayrit.
(FROM left): Miss Philippine­s Earth 2019 Eco Tourism Karen Nicole Piccio, Miss Philippine­s Earth-Air Ana Monica Tan, Miss Philippine­s Earth 2019 Janelle Lazo Tee, Miss Philippine­s Earth-Water Chelsea Fernandez and Miss Philippine­s Earth-Fire Alexandra Marie Dayrit.
 ??  ?? NEWLY crowned Miss Philippine­s Earth 2019 Janelle Lazo Tee.
NEWLY crowned Miss Philippine­s Earth 2019 Janelle Lazo Tee.

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