
S&T agencies of PHL, Japan focus R&D on water security


THE science and technology ( S& T) experts from the Philippine­s and Japan recently held a workshop to look into their respective water security challenges.

The Department of Science and Technology ( DOST) and the Japan Science and Technology (JST) recently convened in Alabang, Muntinlupa City, to address water security challenges experience­d by both countries, the DOST said.

The workshop brought together experts from both countries to exchange insights and experience­s on advancing water security through research and S& T initiative­s.

The workshop enabled experts from both countries to engage in collaborat­ive research ideas and share their respective research themes and interests, and develop new research directions, the DOST added.

It also facilitate­d the formation of research teams to apply for joint calls for proposals.

The workshop featured plenary and breakout sessions participat­ed in by six speakers each from the Filipino and Japanese teams.

Science Secretary Renato U. Solidum Jr. expressed his support for the project, which he mentioned during the Asean-japan High-level Roundtable Event held in Paris on April 22, highlighti­ng it as a top priority for the Philippine­s.

Solidum further underscore­d the significan­ce of the partnershi­p between DOST and JST in addressing water security challenges.

The col laboration between DOST and Japan is further bolstered by the new fund from Japan in Asean, known as “Networked Exchange, United Strengths for Stronger Partnershi­ps between Japan and Asean [Nexus].”

Solidum expressed confidence that collaborat­ive projects initiated through this workshop would bear fruit with the full support of DOST and funding from Nexus. He said the Philippine­s anticipate­s that such initiative­s will pave the way for broader Asean collaborat­ions in the future.

“This gathering represents a pivotal step in our collaborat­ive efforts to safeguard the precious resource of water, which is essential for the prosperity and sustainabi­lity of our shared future,” Solidum during the welcome dinner for the workshop.

“By forging partnershi­ps for R& D with countries like Japan, we strengthen our commitment to invest in innovation for our country...this partnershi­p encourages progressiv­e initiative­s in securing one of our critical infrastruc­ture systems, efficientl­y managing our local resources, and addressing concerns on water security.” said DOST Undersecre­tary for Research and Developmen­t Leah J. Buendia.

The workshop participan­ts also has a tour of three facilities at DOST headquarte­rs in Bicutan, Taguig City.

The DOST- JST Workshop on Water Security marks a step toward strengthen­ing research collaborat­ion between the Philippine­s and Japan, aiming to address critical challenges in water security through innovative solutions and partnershi­ps.

 ?? DOST PHOTO ?? FILIPINO and Japanese participan­ts visit a facility at DOST headquarte­rs in Taguig City.
DOST PHOTO FILIPINO and Japanese participan­ts visit a facility at DOST headquarte­rs in Taguig City.
 ?? DOST PHOTO ?? THE DOST and JST experts and participan­ts in the recent workshop on water security.
DOST PHOTO THE DOST and JST experts and participan­ts in the recent workshop on water security.

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