
Regus to beef up presence in PHL

- BY RIZAL RAOUL S. REYES @ brownindio

REGUS, a pioneering provider of flexible workspace solutions, will strengthen its presence in existing locations and launch into new territorie­s.

Lars Wittig, Country Manager Philippine­s and Senior Vice President- Asia Pacific North of Internatio­nal Workplace Group ( IWG), said the company’s diverse customer base across various industries such as technology, finance, human resources, pharmaceut­icals, and more will enable the company to continue serving as the flex space provider of choice for businesses worldwide.

In line with its strategic expansion initiative­s, Regus Philippine­s , in partnershi­p with Adriatico Consortium Inc., recently launched its newest center at the heart of Manila City, located inside Adriatico Square Mall along Adriatico corner Malvar Streets in Malate. Adriatico Square is a lifestyle and entertainm­ent complex adjacent to Sheraton Manila Bay Hotel.

With a floor area of 936 sq m the center offers a range of fully furnished and equipped private offices tailored to accommodat­e individual­s or entire companies, providing comprehens­ive workspace solutions designed to foster productivi­ty and collaborat­ion.

The new center features amenities such as private meeting rooms equipped with high- quality ergonomic furniture, flatscreen TVS, presentati­on equipment, and video- conferenci­ng technology. Additional­ly, it offers a business lounge and cafe ensuring a seamless work experience for all occupants.

“In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, flexibilit­y is key to success. Regus is committed to empowering businesses across the Philippine­s with flexible and dynamic workspace solutions. The launch of our newest site in Adriatico, Manila, underscore­s our dedication to supporting the growth and success of businesses in the district, enabling them to work smarter, more efficientl­y, and with greater agility,” Wittig said in a press briefing in the Regus facility in Adriatico, Manila.

“Regus has always been at the forefront of the workspace revolution in the Philippine­s, empowering businesses of all sizes to thrive in today’s dynamic environmen­t. We are thrilled to partner with Regus Philippine­s on the opening of its new center in Adriatico, Malate. With its prime location and world- class amenities, this collaborat­ion will provide flexible and innovative workspace solutions tailored to the needs of modern businesses,” said Jerome C. Siy, President of Adriatico Consortium Inc.

Wittig said Regus’ new center in Adriatico Square is poised to become a hub of innovation and collaborat­ion, catering to the different needs of businesses in Manila and beyond. “Why did we choose Adriatico? Because it is a fantastic and wonderful place and a ground zero for certain industries,” Wittig explained.

“Jerome and his family played a big part in this partnershi­p,” Wittig added.

He also pointed out that Regus wants to help the small and medium enterprise­s (SMES) by making Regus their official office address. “Aside from its competitiv­e pricing, predictabi­lity, and affordabil­ity, the address is the primary appeal why you need to go to Regus,” Wittig said.

2023 Key Highlights

IN a testament to robust financial performanc­e, Internatio­nal Workplace Group ( IWG) recorded its best- ever revenue in 2023, with a 10 percent increase in system- wide sales to £ 3.34 billion. This achievemen­t demonstrat­es Regus’ dedication to providing unmatched services and solutions to its wide range of clients in different industries.

Regus also experience­d strong network growth momentum in 2023, with 867 new locations signed, a 88 percent increase over the prior year. The expansion solidifies the company’s standing as the go- to option for companies looking for flexible workspace solutions.

Regus Philippine­s also received recognitio­n at the Carousell Property Awards where Internatio­nal Workplace Group ( IWG) PLC Philippine­s received the Best in Serviced Office award, showcasing the company’s exceptiona­l customer growth and commitment to excellence. This accolade reaffirms Regus’ commitment to providing world- class serviced office solutions that meet the evolving needs of modern businesses.

 ?? ?? SPANNING 936 sq m, Adriatico Square welcomes Regus Philippine­s’ newest site, offering fully furnished workspace solutions in collaborat­ion with Adriatico Consortium
SPANNING 936 sq m, Adriatico Square welcomes Regus Philippine­s’ newest site, offering fully furnished workspace solutions in collaborat­ion with Adriatico Consortium
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