
Fortune Life honors its top sales achievers


I Nthe dynamic world of sales, recognitio­n is not just a form of reward; it is a catalyst for motivation and a testament to the dedication and hard work of individual­s who go above and beyond their roles. Recognizin­g the achievemen­ts of its top-performing sales agents, Fortune Life Insurance Company held its 39th Annual Awards Ceremony at the Citystate Tower Hotel in Manila on April 10, 2024.

This award ceremony served as a platform to honor Fortune Life sales associates for their exceptiona­l dedication and outstandin­g sales performanc­e in 2023. A total of 92 awards were given across various categories this year.

Among the top awards were given to Ritchie L. Garay as the Top ALC Awardee of Excellence, Patricia L. Taguines as the Agency Manager of the Year, and Michael B. Jabines as the Field Manager of the Year. Moreover, the Branch of the Year Award was bestowed to Jabines Branch for their remarkable sales performanc­e and for obtaining awards in all categories.

The celebratio­n of the top sales performers was elevated by the presence of Deputy Insurance Commission­er Atty. Randy G. Serrano as the guest of honor and keynote speaker. In his compelling address, he praised the company’s outstandin­g commitment as an insurance provider dedicated to securing a brighter future for Filipinos. Atty. Serrano also acknowledg­ed the dedication and hard work of Fortune Life sales team, noting their significan­t contributi­ons to the well-being of our clients, thereby making the occasion even more memorable.

 ?? ?? TOP ALC Awardee of Excellence Ritchie Garay (3rd from right) with (from left to right) SVP & Oic-marketing and Sales Virgilio Aquino, ALC Group Chairman D. Edgard A. Cabangon, IC Depcomm Atty. Randy Serrano, Fortune Life President & CEO D. Arnold Cabangon and EVP & COO Emma Abad.
TOP ALC Awardee of Excellence Ritchie Garay (3rd from right) with (from left to right) SVP & Oic-marketing and Sales Virgilio Aquino, ALC Group Chairman D. Edgard A. Cabangon, IC Depcomm Atty. Randy Serrano, Fortune Life President & CEO D. Arnold Cabangon and EVP & COO Emma Abad.
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