
Three pacts signed with Brunei during FMJR visit

- BY SAMUEL P. MEDENILLA @sam_medenilla

PRESIDENT Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. on Tuesday announced the signing of three new bilateral agreements with Brunei, including a tourism-related deal to help the country attract more Bruneian tourists.

In his departure speech at the Villamor Air Base in Pasay City, the chief executive said the Philippine- Brunei Darussalam Memorandum of Understand­ing ( MOU) on Tourism Cooperatio­n will help boost tourist arrivals and tourist receipts.

“Through this MOU, we hope to entice and attract Bruneian tourists to explore the Philippine­s. [ With] Brunei, despite having a relatively small population, it is the quality of tourists and not the quantity that counts,” Marcos said.

The Department of Tourism ( DOT) refers to “quality tourists” as those who are big spenders when they travel.

In its latest visitor arrival data, DOT said 2,318 tourists from Brunei visited the country from January to April.

Last year, 6,639 tourists arrived in the Philippine­s from the Southeast Asian country from January to December.

The new tourism MOU will also support Islamic tourism and the promotion of Muslim friendly destinatio­ns.

Maritime and food cooperatio­n

ALSO signed was an MOU, which updated the country’s 2001 pact with Brunei for the Mutual Recognitio­n of Standards of Training, Certificat­ion and Watchkeepi­ng (STCW) certificat­es of seafarers.

It allows both countries to recognize the seafarers- related certificat­es issued by the focal government agencies.

The third MOU which allows the Philippine­s and Brunei to cooperate on wide- ranging areas including pollution, skills training, research and informatio­n sharing, was also signed.

Marcos stressed the importance of Manila’s maintainin­g defense cooperatio­n with Bandar Seri Begawan due to the close proximity of both countries.

Aside from the three MOUS, a Letter of Intent ( LOI) was also signed for the renewal of another MOU on food security and agricultur­al cooperatio­n.

The LOI underscore­s the interest of the Philippine­s and Brunei to collaborat­e on food security and sustainabl­e agricultur­e.

More agreements

DURING his meeting with Brunei’s Sultan, Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, the President said he hopes there will be more Philippine­Brunei agreements.

“We hope to expand the partnershi­ps that we have begun and we feel that there is much potential that we can examine,” Marcos told the Sultan. The Sultan said he hopes the future partnershi­p will also cover more economic matters as well as people- to- people exchanges.

“I’m looking forward to further enhancing our friendship in areas of future interest, which I believe will greatly benefit our countries and people,” the Sultan said. The three MOUS and the LOI were signed after Marcos arrived in Brunei on Tuesday morning to start his two-day state visit. He will leave Brunei on May 29 to fly to Singapore. He will deliver the keynote address for this year’s Shangri- La Dialogue to be held in Singapore on Friday.

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