
Kim & Edward show in Camsur


IN-FORM Kim Mangrobang and comebackin­g Edward Macalalad showcased their determinat­ion in the bike and run legs to emerge overall champions of the 5150 Camsur in Camarines Sur on Sunday.

Mangrobang took control during the bike event after placing second to Erika Burgos in the swim stage then sustained her pace in the run to cruise to victory in two hours, 22 minutes and 35 seconds over the Olympic-distance course of 1.5-km swim, 40-km bike and 10-km run race that marked the triathlon’s return to its original race destinatio­n.

Mangrobang, racing out of Santa Rosa City, drew inspiratio­n from the nostalgic atmosphere and enthusiast­ic crowd.

“I’m so happy to race here again in Camsur, I did the 70.3 last 2011 and I think I was the youngest at that time,” said the 32-yearold Mangrobang, who turned in leg times of 1:18 (swim), 1:12:02 (bike) and 45:27 (run) to claim the women’s crown.

“The crowd, the people, they’re the same as before, very enthusiast­ic,” she added.

Winner of the inaugural 5150 Dapitan last September, Mangrobang attributed her excellent form to consistent training with the national team.

“As part of the national team, we train the whole year and this is just one of the training races lined up for us,” she said. Burgos set the pace in the swim but faced challenges in the bike segment before mounting a comeback in the run, securing second place in 2:26:33, while Bea Quiambao placed third with a 2:29:28 clocking. France’s Amandine Fetaud and Anne Nuñez took the next two spots in 2:41:47 and 2:44.32, respective­ly.

 ?? ?? KIM MANGROBANG gets nostalgic in the win.
KIM MANGROBANG gets nostalgic in the win.

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