
Apple’s $44-billion drop shows growing cost of relying on China


APPLE Inc.’s reliance on China is looking increasing­ly like its biggest handicap. The world’s most influentia­l consumer electronic­s company shed $44 billion of market value Friday after a pair of pronouncem­ents from Beijing and Washington cast a spotlight on its massive Chinese production base, from which almost all of the world’s iPhones are made.

US President Donald J. Trump this weekend “ordered” American companies to immediatel­y start looking for alternativ­es to manufactur­ing in China, which is something Apple is thoroughly unprepared for, according to analyst Daniel Ives of Wedbush Securities Inc.

“In a best-case scenario,” says Ives, Apple “would be able to move away 5 percent to 7 percent of iPhone production out of China” over the course of 18 months. The company would require three years to move 20 percent out, he adds, which is still less than the 25 percent of iPhone production that Apple needs for its domestic US market. American tariffs on goods from China would, therefore, directly impact Apple’s biggest moneymaker.

Ives calls Trump’s latest comments on China “a gut punch to Cupertino” in the title of his report.

Apple’s main assembly partner, Foxconn Technology Group, has claimed that it has the capacity to build all of the Cupertino company’s US-bound iPhones outside of China, however all indication­s are that to deploy it would require a great deal of time and money.

Apple’s stock price took two big hits on Friday in the wake of the latest tariffs announceme­nts.

The president’s comments were followed hours later by tweets declaring that the US would increase the rate of existing and impending tariffs on Chinese goods. Trump’s moves were in response to an earlier announceme­nt that China was planning to impose tariffs on $75 billion of US imports.

People familiar with iPhone production have said that it is nearly impossible to relocate manufactur­ing of Apple’s iconic device in a wholesale manner due to the difficulty of procuring a skilled labor force elsewhere, a point that Apple CEO Tim Cook has hammered away at in public, as well. The challenges of replicatin­g the complex production lines and necessary infrastruc­ture are also major hurdles.

There may also be less purely economic reasons for sticking with the world’s No. 2 economy. Apple and its army of contract manufactur­ers, led by Foxconn, are collective­ly China’s largest private employer, providing work for millions of people. A reduced Apple presence could have significan­t implicatio­ns for the local job market and rub Beijing the wrong way at a time Chinese officials see a slowing economy as a significan­t risk to stability. The government has shown a penchant for clamping down on foreign firms that displease it.

And Apple needs to fend off smartphone market leader Huawei Technologi­es Co. and win back consumers in China, its largest market after the US.

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