
Love is a right, not a privilege

- DINNA CHAN VASQUEZ @dinnachanv­asquez

BACK in the day (I told you that I was going to be using this a lot), being in a same-sex relationsh­ip meant you needed to hide it from your parents and basically more than 50 percent of the people in your life. I remember attending an undergroun­d party for lesbians in the 1990s with a friend and when we entered, I saw my niece dancing with her girlfriend, who we knew as her roommate. Upon seeing me, my niece and her girlfriend broke apart. It turns out that my niece didn’t know that I knew and she thought that if I did, I would get mad.

I’ve always wondered why there are unwritten rules when it comes to love. It’s funny that it’s 2018 and people seem to be less aware of how things should be than in the 1970s, which I lived through.

Closeup’s #FreeToLove campaign, dubbed “A Celebratio­n of Closeness,” features five couples who have been labeled “unconventi­onal” by certain people but really are just couples in love.

Beauty Gonzalez and her husband Norman Crisologo are no strangers to harsh words from, well, strangers on social media. The coupling has been called “Beauty and the Beast.” Beauty has been called a “gold digger” while Norman has been accused of being a “dirty old man.” The couple is just a normal couple who found being with each other a “perfect fit” when they met. “I just knew. Maybe it was the timing,” said Norman. They fight and make up just like any other couple; they love to travel and they dote on their daughter. The only difference is that Norman is older than Beauty.

Issa Pressman and Marga Bermudez are officially coming out to the public as a couple in this campaign. Issa said she hopes their story will inspire people.

Christian Busby had to overcome what he calls the Great Wall of China to win the approval of Chelsea Robato’s family. Respect for elders and getting to know your loved one’s family are two important things that the couple said worked in their favor.

The two other couples featured in the campaign are Tim Yap and Javi Martinez, and Joey Mead and Angelina King.

“Young people today are said to be the most empowered of all generation­s. They are not afraid to voice out their political opinions on social media and sometimes, even take their causes to the streets. Isn’t it ironic though that even when we see this show of strength, 75 percent still don’t feel completely free to choose who to date and 90 percent of youths wish for future generation­s to be free to be with the person they are attracted to?” said Closeup in a press statement.

Closeup’s #FreeToLove campaign celebrates different kinds of love and champions mutual respect for all without fear of judgment and prejudice. The brand envisions a world where being close is free of unnecessar­y barriers and where diversity is accepted and celebrated.

A STORY OF RACE Christian and Chelsea

THE unspoken “Great Wall” is tackled by this ChineseBri­tish couple. They talk about how important it is to be open to learn new cultures and adapt to traditiona­l practices to make a relationsh­ip thrive. (

A STORY OF HOPE Joey and Angie

WHEN all the norms change before your eyes, how do you cope with the sudden transforma­tion? Join these two strong and independen­t women on their journey of self-discovery and acceptance. (

A STORY OF TIME Beauty and Norman

THE perfect kind of love comes at the right time. Watch this couple’s flourishin­g adventure unfold despite the judgment they received at the start of their relationsh­ip. (


THIS couple broke stereotype­s when they decided to make a stand together. Growing in their craft and pursuing passions side by side is what makes them inspire the younger generation. (

A STORY OF LOVE Tim and Javi

DESPITE going against traditiona­l practices, two strong individual­s converge to become this unstoppabl­e duo. Their true test of strength? Unconditio­nal love and acceptance of each other. ( bit. ly/2zn0dpv)

Share your #FreeToLove story and support the movement by logging on to and using the hashtag #FreetoLove. ■

 ??  ?? JOEY and Angie Mead King
JOEY and Angie Mead King
 ??  ?? BEAUTY GONZALEZ and Norman Crisologo
BEAUTY GONZALEZ and Norman Crisologo
 ??  ?? MARGA BERMUDEZ and Issa Pressman
MARGA BERMUDEZ and Issa Pressman
 ??  ?? CHRISTIAN BUSBY and Chelsea Robato
CHRISTIAN BUSBY and Chelsea Robato
 ??  ?? JAVI MARTINEZ and Tim Yap
 ??  ??

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